chap 4

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They both looked at him.

Jude's mother immediately noticed how much Juliette was checking him out. She grinned and leaned closer to Juliette.

"He looks absolutely stunning," she whispered, quietly enough that Jude didn't hear. He was a few feet away from them, fixing his hair.

Juliette rolled her eyes amusedly. His mom always wanted the both of them to date. But instead, they always hated each other.

His mom grinned, watching Juliette's reaction as Jude neared closer. She loved making Juliette blush and get nervous like this. Once Jude finally reached them, he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at Juliette.

"So, are you done checking me out or?"

Juliette immediately responded, "I wasn't."

He raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"You sure?" he said, a smirk on his face. His mom giggled a bit as she watched her son tease Juliette. She hoped that these two would finally start getting along instead of annoying each other.

Juliette stared at him and said, "You wish."

He laughed again.

"There's the Juliette I always remember. Now where's that sweet girl from before?" he asked, referring to how Juliette was acting in the stadium. She was actually nice to him there.

"I was cheering because your mum asked me to."

He raised his eyebrows.

"So you only cheered for me because my mom asked?" he asked in an offended tone, even though he knew it was true. Of course, Juliette wouldn't cheer for him if he asked. She hated him.

Juliette nodded.

He grinned and leaned against the wall.

"Well then, you should've kept yelling for me after the game," he said smugly, making Juliette roll her eyes.

"Can we go now?" Juliette asked.

Jude's mom nodded.

"Sure, let's go."

She glanced at Juliette and then Jude before walking to the car. Jude waited for Juliette to go, watching as Militao's words from before replayed in his head. Jude sighed to himself. He was starting to think that everyone was falling in love with Juliette.

They finally reached Karen's car. As Juliette went to get in the passenger seat, Jude's mom grabbed her hand and pulled her aside. She had a soft, yet serious look on her face.

"Can you promise me something?"

Juliette nodded, intrigued.

She hesitated before replying.

"You and Jude have always fought and bickered, ever since you were 14 years old. Jude has grown up over the years and so have you. So can you please just give him a chance? Try to talk to him and spend more time with him? I'm not saying you guys have to be friends or anything but-" she paused before continuing. "Just try to tolerate him, okay?"

Juliette sighed.

"I guess I'll try. But I really can't see him as anything other than the one who bullied me in high school. He hates me too."

The mom shook her head.

"He doesn't hate you. He was annoyed by you, but he never hated you, trust me on that. He's grown up and become less annoying as well. He's really trying to change for the better," she said before glancing at her son waiting in the car before turning back to Juliette and lowering her voice. "Just... give him a chance. He hasn't had a girlfriend in a long time and I just think he needs a good girl like you in his life."

Juliette chuckled nervously, hearing Jude's mom's words.

"As much as I appreciate you, I will never date your son."

Karen put a hand on Juliette's shoulder and laughed quietly.

"You're sure about that? You're telling me if he asked you out, you'd refuse?" she asked, even though she already knew the answer. Juliette had always hated Jude; it was pretty obvious.

"Yes, without hesitation."

Karen sighed softly and nodded again.

"All right, all right. Can you at least try to be nice to him for my sake? He's been a pain in the ass ever since he started working so much. A good friend would cheer him up," she said, pleading Juliette to agree. Jude was so overworked and tired of dealing with all these games and practices that he sometimes didn't even have time to rest anymore. All he wanted was someone to talk to and hang out with.

Juliette sighed again.

"I'll try for you."

The mom smiled. Juliette was really being an angel to her.

"Thank you," she said before nodding toward the car. "Now get in there and sit by my son; he gets cranky if someone doesn't sit next to him," she teased.

Juliette rolled her eyes amusedly then went to sit next to Jude.

Once Juliette got in the car, Jude glanced over at her.

"Well, look who isn't trying to rip my head off for once," he said, a smirk on his face as he watched Juliette sit in the seat next to him.

"Don't make me regret it," Juliette rolled her eyes.

Jude grinned.

"I'm just kidding, chill. I won't make you regret it. I promise I won't annoy you while we're in this car."

His mom got in the driver's seat before turning around and looking at the both of them.

"Don't argue with each other, all right? I don't know what I was thinking. Putting you two in the same car is a recipe for disaster. Just be nice to each other, got it?"

Juliette nodded.

The mom nodded before turning back around and starting the car. Jude watched Juliette, slightly amused by the whole situation. Militao's words replayed in his head again as he saw how beautiful Juliette was. They pulled out of the stadium and onto the road.

Juliette opened her window, feeling the wind blowing her hair as she watched the stars.

Jude glanced over at Juliette and watched as she looked up at the stars. As much as he hated her and she hated him, he couldn't deny that she was beautiful. He was slightly upset that Militao's comment was going to replay in his head every moment. He knew that if he kept thinking about it, he might just ask Juliette out. He quickly turned his head away and stared out.

Second chance ~ Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now