chap 23

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It's a week later, and Juliette hasn't left her house since that night. Now, she is waiting on her porch with two suitcases beside her, engrossed in her phone. Her face is a mix of sadness and determination, reflecting the internal battle she's been fighting over the past week.

Jude notices Juliette on her porch and feels a sense of concern and curiosity. He has been thinking about her constantly, regretting his behavior and wishing he could go back and change things. He hesitates for a moment, wondering if it's appropriate to approach her, but then his body takes over, and he finds himself walking toward her porch.

Juliette is completely oblivious to Jude's presence. She's lost in her thoughts. Jude stands silently for a moment, watching her, unsure of how to approach. Finally, he clears his throat softly to get her attention.

Juliette looks up, sees Jude, and immediately sighs. Her expression hardens, the pain evident in her eyes.

Jude feels a pang of guilt as Juliette sighs upon seeing him, knowing that his presence is not welcome. He speaks softly, "Hey, Juliette. Can we talk?"

Juliette hesitates, then gestures for him to sit next to her on the porch. "Fine," she says, her voice laced with a mixture of resignation and irritation.

Jude is surprised but relieved that Juliette doesn't immediately shut him down. He sits down next to her, feeling anxious but hopeful.

Juliette looks at him with a cold gaze. "You're not hurt anymore," she says flatly. "But your nose is still sore."

Jude nods and places a hand on his slightly swollen nose. "Yeah, it's still a little sore. But I'll be fine in a few days." He looks at Juliette, studying her face as he tries to gauge her mood.

"Okay," Juliette responds, looking back in front of her, clearly indicating that she's not interested in small talk.

Jude can sense that something is off with Juliette's cold demeanor, but he decides to proceed cautiously. "Um, Juliette... I wanted to talk to you about what happened last week," he says tentatively, hoping she'll respond positively to his efforts to mend things.

Juliette looks down, her expression hardening further. "If you're going to say sorry again for your bet, then you can go," she says coldly.

Jude feels a pang of disappointment and frustration at Juliette's response, but he takes a deep breath and tries to remain calm. "No, it's not just about the bet. There's something else I want to apologize for." He looks at Juliette, hoping she'll give him a chance to speak his mind.

Juliette turns to look at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of hurt and anger.

Mustering up his courage, Jude looks into Juliette's eyes, wanting to convey the sincerity of his words. "I want to apologize... for everything. For the way I've been treating you in high school, for what I did last week, for all the times I've hurt you and others. I know I've been a jerk, and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I want you to know that I truly am sorry."

Juliette stays silent, looking away. Her mind is racing with memories of all the times Jude has hurt her, and she's struggling to keep her emotions in check.

Jude can sense that Juliette is guarded and unresponsive to his apology. "Juliette, I know I've caused you a lot of pain and heartache, and I understand if you don't forgive me. But I want you to know that I'm not asking for your forgiveness for my sake, but for yours. I know I can't undo the things I've done, but I can try to make things right. Please, let me make things right," he speaks softly and sincerely, hoping his words will break through her defenses.

Juliette looks at him, her eyes narrowing. "I'm moving away," she says, her voice cold and resolute.

Jude's heart drops at Juliette's words. "What? What do you mean you're moving away?" he asks, trying to hide the panic in his voice.

Juliette responds, "I'm moving back with my grandma in Paris for a while. I need to get away from here."

Jude feels a mixture of shock and sadness at Juliette's revelation. "But you can't leave, Juliette. You can't just go back to France after everything that happened here," he pleads, unable to fathom the idea of her leaving and never seeing her again.

Juliette's voice remains cold as she says, "And what happened here, Jude? You put a bet on me? You were awful to me? Why should I stay?" Her words are sharp, each one a dagger to Jude's heart.

Jude feels a pang of sadness and guilt at Juliette's words and realizes that she has every right to be upset with him. "You're right, Juliette. I did put a bet on you, and I have been awful to you. And I know it's unfair of me to ask you to stay after everything I've put you through. But don't you think there's a reason why we're neighbors? Don't you think there's a reason why our paths keep crossing?"

Juliette responds sharply, "Your mom. She is the reason. She doesn't deserve an awful son like you, actually."

Jude feels a sting of hurt and defensiveness at Juliette's comment. He knows he has failed his mother in many ways, but hearing it out loud hurts. "That's not fair, Juliette. My relationship with my mom is complicated, and it's not just her that keeps us connected. Don't act like you have no feelings for me. I know you do."

Juliette's taxi arrives. "My taxi is here," she says, her tone final.

Jude feels a mixture of confusion and frustration as Juliette walks to her taxi. "Juliette, wait. We need to talk about this," he pleads, wanting to grab her and make her stay so they can figure things out, but the taxi honks.

Juliette takes her suitcase and hands it to the taxi driver. "I gotta go," she says, her voice tinged with sadness but also determination.

Jude watches helplessly as Juliette hands her suitcase to the taxi driver and starts to get in. He desperately wants to say something, to stop her from leaving, but the words catch in his throat. He watches as Juliette gets in the taxi, feeling a sense of loss and despair wash over him. He knows deep down that he should have said something, he should have done something to stop her.

As Juliette climbs into the taxi, she glances back at Jude one last time, her eyes filled with a mixture of sadness, anger, and regret. She quickly looks away and shuts the door, not wanting to give him any false hope.

Jude stands on the sidewalk, dazed and bewildered, wondering how everything had gone so wrong and desperately wishing that it hadn't ended this way. He watches as the taxi pulls away, taking Juliette and any chance of redemption with it. The weight of his mistakes feels heavier than ever, and he's left standing alone, feeling more lost and hopeless than ever before.

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