chap 9

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Juliette and Jude walked inside and began to make their way through the crowd of people dancing and chatting with each other. Some people came up to him to say hi before he politely responded and moved on. As they continued walking, he looked for his friends until he spotted Vini and Modric sitting together in a booth. He pointed Juliette towards the booths.

"Let's sit over there with them..."

Juliette nodded. "Okay..."

He began to lead Juliette towards the booths. As they walked over, Vini grinned and raised an eyebrow at the sight of Juliette.

"Well, look what we have here..." he said with a smile. "Didn't know you were gonna bring a guest over, Bellingham."

Juliette chuckled awkwardly.

Jude scoffed before rolling his eyes. "Don't act like you're surprised. My mum invited her." He mumbled as he made his way to the table and sat down, immediately reaching for his drink.

Juliette sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm Juliette," she smiled at Vini.

Vini raised an eyebrow at her response before nodding. "Vini. I knew that though..." he said with a chuckle. "Can't believe Jude invited you. He's been saying that he hates you for years."

"I hate him too. But his mum is the sweetest person I know. And I can't say no to her. This is why I'm here."

Vini nodded his head, but before he had a chance to say anything, Jude cut him off. "Keep your lips zipped, Vini... I'm not gonna hear another word about it..." he mumbled as Modric chuckled at Jude's annoyed demeanor.

Juliette sat awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

Jude glanced over at Juliette and raised an eyebrow slightly before letting out a scoff. "What, never been in a club before?" he muttered, gesturing around the lively, crowded club before him.

"I did. But being with you is just-"

Jude raised an eyebrow at Juliette's sudden stop, wondering what she wanted to say. "Is just... what?" he asked, his voice trailing off as he leaned closer to her so that he could hear her better.


Jude laughed loudly, looking over at Modric and then back at Juliette again. "Why is it weird? Because you hate me so much?" he said with a small scoff, leaning backwards in his chair.


Jude smirked at her answer, sipping on his drink and raising an eyebrow. "Maybe you just need to drink more booze..." he muttered, and before Juliette had a chance to respond, Vini leaned over and spoke loudly.

"Oooh! How about a tequila shot?" he grinned widely, already starting to stand from his seat.

"Please, yes."

Jude grinned as Juliette agreed, raising his eyebrows. "Oh, so you can drink?" he asked with a mocking tone, glancing over at Modric and snickering when Modric nodded and rolled his eyes at the interaction.

"Shut up, Jude."

Jude rolled his eyes before letting out a scoff. He hated her so much... his mum really shouldn't be forcing him to interact with her like this. "Whatever..." he muttered, watching as Vini returned with several shots.

He grabbed a shot and glanced over at Juliette. "Well, cheers." he mumbled and he tilted his head backwards, drinking the whole shot in one gulp before he let out a satisfied groan.

Juliette took a shot too.

He watched as Juliette drank the shot, raising an eyebrow slightly before he chuckled. "Oh, you do like tequila shots..." he muttered, watching as she shuddered from the strong taste.

Second chance ~ Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now