Chap 32

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Weeks passed, and Jude had been drowning his sorrows in drinks, parties, and hookups. He tried to forget Juliette, to move on, to find someone else to fill the void in his heart. But despite all his efforts, he couldn't get her out of his mind. He missed her so badly; it was like there was a constant ache in his chest, a constant reminder of what he lost.

Meanwhile, Juliette struggled with her own feelings, trying to move on from Jude. She tried to stay busy, but it was hard. She threw herself into work and hobbies, but the memories of Jude lingered in the back of her mind.

One night, Jude was out at a club. He was surrounded by people but felt more alone than ever. He was drinking heavily, trying to forget about Juliette, but it wasn't working. He spotted a girl across the room and went up to her, trying to distract himself from his thoughts.

The girl seemed interested in him, and they started talking. Jude tried to focus on the conversation, but his mind kept wandering back to Juliette. He couldn't stop thinking about her eyes, her smile, the way she felt in his arms. He tried to push the thoughts aside, but they kept creeping back in. He drank even more than usual and found himself really wasted.

The girl eventually suggested they go somewhere more private, and Jude agreed. He followed her to a secluded spot in the club, still preoccupied with thoughts of Juliette. Once they were alone, the girl started to get handsy with him, but Jude was distant and unresponsive.

The girl started to notice that Jude was distracted and not really into it. She asked him what was wrong, but Jude was too drunk to form a coherent answer. He stumbled over his words, and the girl started to get frustrated.

The girl tried to press the issue, but Jude's mind was elsewhere. He couldn't focus on the girl in front of him when all he could see was Juliette. He eventually excused himself and stumbled away, feeling more lost than ever. He found a spot outside and leaned against the wall, his head spinning from the alcohol and his heart aching from missing Juliette. He took out his phone and called her.

Juliette was surprised to see Jude calling her. "Jude?"

Jude's voice was slurred and emotional. "Hey. Hey, it's me. It's me. I just...I just needed to talk to you. I needed to hear your voice."

She heard the sound of music behind him and realized he was clearly drunk. "What's wrong? Where are you? Are you drunk?"

Jude leaned his head back against the wall, still slurring his words. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm really drunk. I'm at a party. But...I couldn't stop thinking about you. I can't get you out of my head."

Juliette started to worry. "Why are you this wasted? Who are you with?"

Jude took a deep breath, trying to focus his thoughts. "I'm with some people. Some girls. But I...I don't care about them. I only care about you. I just...I just needed to hear your voice."

Juliette sighed. "Send me your location."

Jude nodded, even though she couldn't see him, and sent her his location, his fingers clumsily typing out the message on his phone.

Juliette saw that he was at a big club ten minutes away from her apartment. "You're in Barcelona? Anyway, I'll be there soon."

Jude's heart skipped a beat as he saw her response. He felt a mix of relief and anxiety knowing that she was coming to see him. "You're...You're coming?"

"Yeah, you're clearly out of your mind. I don't want something bad to happen to you." Juliette took her keys and started walking in the street.

Jude leaned against the wall, still holding his phone to his ear. He closed his eyes, feeling a mix of relief and hope at the thought of seeing her again. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you. I just...I just...I miss you so much."

"Don't say that, Jude. Stay where you are." Juliette ended the phone call and walked faster.

Jude nodded to himself, even though she couldn't see him, and stayed put, leaning against the wall. As he waited for her to arrive, he tried to steady his thoughts, but the alcohol in his system made everything feel fuzzy. He glanced around the party every so often, feeling out of place amongst the drunk and rowdy people.

Suddenly, the girl from before appeared in front of him.

Jude looked up, trying to stand up straighter, his mind still fuzzy from the alcohol. "Hey. Hey, it's you. What are you doing here?"

"I've been looking for you! Why did you run off like that? We were having a good time," the girl said, irritation clear in her voice.

Jude felt a pang of guilt for leaving her earlier, but he couldn't ignore the fact that all he wanted was to see Juliette again. "Sorry. I'm sorry, I just...I had to take a break. I needed some air."

The girl's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Why're you slurring your words? How much have you had to drink?"

Jude leaned against the wall, feeling caught out. "I don't know. A lot, I guess. I'm just...I'm just a bit drunk, that's all."

"You're smashed. You can barely stand. What's wrong with you? Are you on something too?" the girl asked, annoyance creeping into her voice.

"No. No, I'm just...I'm just drunk. That's all. Nothing else," Jude replied, shaking his head, feeling guilty and ashamed.

"You're not high? You're not on anything else? You're just drunk?" she pressed, still skeptical.

"Just drunk. That's all. I swear," Jude nodded, feeling the room spin around him.

The girl's demeanor suddenly changed. She really wanted Jude because of his popularity, and this might be her only chance to have him. "You should come to my house."

Jude paused, feeling torn. He knew he should wait for Juliette, but the girl's offer was tempting in his drunken stupor. "Your...Your house?"

"Yeah. My house. It's not too far from here, and it'll be just us. You can relax and sleep it off there. And who knows, maybe we can have some fun?" the girl said seductively.

Jude's mind swam with confusion and desire. He knew he should wait for Juliette, but the girl's words were seductive and enticing. "Just us...and some fun...yeah, that...that sounds good."

"That's what I thought. Come on, let's go." The girl linked her arm with Jude's, steadying his drunken gait.

Juliette finally reached the club. She was still a bit away and saw Jude from afar with a girl. "What the fuck?" she muttered to herself.

Jude and the girl stumbled out of the club, with the girl supporting him. They began walking in the direction of her house, Jude's steps still unsteady from intoxication.

Juliette saw the girl starting to walk away with Jude and started to run toward them.

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