chap 18

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Juliette : "I'm ready ;) Waiting for you"

Jude received Juliette's text and felt a rush of excitement and anticipation. He quickly got ready, putting on a crisp white shirt, dark trousers, and a pair of loafers.

"Looking sharp, Bellingham," he muttered to himself with a smirk. "Time to make a good impression."

He quickly grabbed his keys and rushed over to Juliette's house, his heart racing with anticipation as he rang her doorbell.

Juliette felt a flutter of excitement mixed with nervousness as she heard the doorbell ring. She took a deep breath, smoothing down her short navy blue dress one last time before opening the door and smiling at Jude.

Jude's heart skipped a beat as Juliette appeared in the doorway, looking stunning. He smirked and grinned, feeling a rush of admiration and affection.

"Damn, sweetheart. You look absolutely gorgeous tonight," he breathed out.

Juliette felt her cheeks warm slightly at the compliment but quickly masked it with a sarcastic reply. "Thank you. Can't say the same about you."

Jude chuckled and rolled his eyes, feeling a mix of fondness and playful irritation at Juliette's sarcastic response.

"Oh, very funny. You know you love the way I look, sweetheart. Now let's get going before we're late," he laughed.

As she followed him to his car, Juliette couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity. She had forgiven Jude for his past behavior, and now she was beginning to see him in a different light. His charm and confidence were hard to resist, even if she didn't want to admit it.

"Shit, I forgot to tell Rodrygo that you were coming," she chuckled, trying to push away her growing feelings. "He is going to be really surprised since it was supposed to be a date."

Jude felt a surge of laughter and satisfaction as he imagined the look of surprise on Rodrygo's face when he saw him.

"Oh, this is going to be great," Jude grinned. "I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees me come in. Maybe I'll even flirt with you right in front of him, just to make him jealous."

Juliette rolled her eyes amused as they drove to Rodrygo's place. The idea of making Rodrygo jealous brought a mischievous smile to her face, but deep down, she was anxious about how the evening would unfold.

"Oh, don't act like you wouldn't love it if I did. You know you like the attention, sweetheart. Admit it," Jude teased with a smile.

"But not your attention," she smiled, jokingly. Despite her words, she couldn't deny the thrill she felt at Jude's playful banter.

Jude chuckled and shook his head, enjoying Juliette's playful banter.

"Ouch. You wound me, sweetheart. But come on now, you can't deny that you secretly love it when I give you attention. You just can't admit it out loud yet," he laughed.

"hmh," Juliette bit her inner lip. His self-assurance was exasperating but strangely endearing.

Jude's heart skipped a beat as Juliette bit her inner lip, feeling a rush of affection and admiration.

"That's right, just wait. I'll have you admitting how much you love my attention before the night is over," he smiled.

"I have to admit it's better than when you bullied me," she chuckled.

Jude felt a mix of guilt and fondness at Juliette's comment. He remembered his past actions towards her and felt a pang of remorse.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I was stupid and young back then. I had my own issues and took it out on you. But I promise, I'm not that person anymore. I've grown up and learned from my mistakes," he said softly.

Second chance ~ Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now