chap 14

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Jude approached Rodrygo, feeling curious about what he wanted. "Hey man, what's up? You wanted to talk to me?"

Rodrygo glanced at Juliette walking away, a smirk playing on his lips. "Is this your girl? I saw you followed her on Insta."

Jude looked at Rodrygo, feeling a flicker of surprise and a hint of defensiveness. "No, she's not. We're just neighbors. Nothing more. Why do you ask?" he responded, trying to keep his tone neutral but feeling a hint of annoyance at Rodrygo's question.

Rodrygo's smirk widened, his tone dripping with arrogance. "Nothing more?"

Jude felt a slight edge creeping into his voice. "No, nothing more. What are you trying to imply? We're just neighbors, that's it," he reiterated, feeling a hint of annoyance at Rodrygo's questioning.

Rodrygo laughed dismissively. "Mate, that girl is a 10/10. Do you have her number?"

Jude felt a flare of possessiveness hearing Rodrygo's comment about Juliette. He took a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure. "Look, I don't know what you're trying to achieve, but she's not my girlfriend. And no, I don't have her number. Now can we drop this already?" he said, feeling a mixture of annoyance and protectiveness.

Rodrygo's eyes gleamed with mischief. "You know what I'm up to, Jude."

Jude sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and amusement. "Yeah, I know. You've got your eye on her. She's out of your league, though. Go after someone else," he said firmly, not wanting Rodrygo to pursue Juliette.

Rodrygo's laugh was low and mocking. "Ayy mate? Where is the Jude I know? The one who has a girl every night?"

Jude laughed, feeling a mix of amusement and defensiveness. "I'm still here, mate. But Juliette's different. She's not just some random girl. She's my neighbor. I can't just mess around with her and then toss her aside. Besides, she's not interested in me like that," he explained, feeling a hint of defensiveness at the thought of Rodrygo pursuing Juliette.

Rodrygo's smirk was infuriatingly confident. "Maybe she'll be interested in me then," he said, winking at Jude.

Jude rolled his eyes, feeling a mix of irritation and amusement at Rodrygo's persistence. "Sure, mate. Good luck with that. Have you seen how she talks to me? She's always got a sharp remark or a glare. She's not exactly falling at my feet."

Rodrygo's grin was predatory. "Maybe, but I want her in my bed. We can share," he laughed, the suggestion crude and arrogant.

Jude let out a loud laugh, feeling a bit amused at Rodrygo's persistence and the thought of sharing Juliette. "Mate, you're crazy. There's no way she'd go for that. Plus, I'm not the sharing type, if vou know what I mean."

Rodrygo's laughter was dark and knowing. "I know you want the meat only for yourself. But imagine her with both of us in bed, god damn, like we did with that Latina."

Jude laughed, feeling a slight heat rise in his face at Rodrygo's graphic description. "Yeah, that Latina was a good one. But Juliette's different, man. She's feisty, tough, and stubborn. She's not gonna go for that. Plus, I'm not gonna share her. She's mine," he said firmly, feeling a strange possessive feeling rise in him at the thought of Rodrygo pursuing Juliette.

Rodrygo's eyes gleamed with challenge. "Yours? I like competition, Jude, you know me! I'm not letting that girl go without having her in my bed, trust me."

Jude felt a small flare of annoyance at Rodrygo's persistence and insistence on pursuing Juliette. "You're on, mate. But trust me, you're not gonna win. Juliette's not gonna go for you. She's only got eyes for me. I'm the only one she'll be with, trust me."

Rodrygo's smirk turned into a sneer. "You know what, let's do a bet. 1000€ for the one who sleeps with her first, like old days and our bets," he proposed with a smirk.

Jude felt a small thrill of excitement and challenge at Rodrygo's bet. He smirked. "You're on. 1000€ for who sleeps with Juliette first. But I'm warning you, man. You're gonna lose. She's gonna be mine," he said confidently, feeling a mix of excitement and possessiveness at the thought of winning the bet.

Rodrygo's laugh was arrogant and confident. "I'm going to win this, Jude, and you know it. I'm gonna have this ass for me."

Jude laughed, feeling a mix of amusement and determination. "Oh yeah? We'll see about that. I'm not gonna let you win that easily. And that ass? Yeah, it will be all mine. I'm not gonna lose this bet, mate. I'm gonna earn it."

Rodrygo winked, his tone taunting. "We'll see. You can have her after I finish what I need to do, though."

Jude laughed, feeling a mix of amusement and determination as he rolled his eyes at Rodrygo. "You're gonna finish nothing, mate.
I'm the one who's gonna win. And what happens after is my business," he said confidently, feeling a strange possessive feeling rise in him.

Rodrygo laughed and walked away, his voice trailing off with arrogance. "We'll see! I just followed her on Insta."

Jude laughed as he watched Rodrygo walk away. "Good luck with that, mate. She won't even follow you back. I'm the only one she's interested in. And I'll make sure it stays that way," he said confidently, feeling a sense of determination and possessiveness over Juliette.

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