I: Xerovia

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Author's note: This is more of an introduction which can be considered to be kinda boring so you can just skip to the next chapter if you don't feel like reading it.

Narrator's POV

Somewhere in the heart of the vast Kasckacveq Ocean was the island of Pseridora which was home to the citizens of two equally fruitful kingdoms. However, centuries ago, the two kingdoms were united as one and and was ruled over by a wise and just king. Blessed with twin princes, King Mordrick strived to serve his subjects. But as a result of depression from losing his queen and newborn daughter from her second pregnancy, his life was cut short.

The bond between the two princes gradually began to fray under the pressure of taking care of the kingdom at the young age of ten. As they were twins, it was difficult to decide who was rightful to rule after the death of the king. In the end, the decision was made to split the kingdom into equal halves each ruled over by one of the princes. As a result, the once great and united Pseridorian Kingdom was divided into the Kingdom of Xerovia and the Kingdom of Revelia.

The island remained a realm of captivating beauty and contrast. Now divided into two kingdoms, our tale unfolds within the borders of the Xerovian Kingdom, which stood as a beacon of majesty and intrigue. Within the kingdom , nature's splendor reigned supreme, with sprawling lakes, ancient forests, and a grand castle that served as the home to the royal family; the king, queen, their firstborn son and beautiful daughter.

There was a harmonious blend of high and low society. The kingdom pulsated with the vibrant energy of its inhabitants, from the aristocrats of the upper echelons to the hardworking denizens of the lower class. A colossal river meandered through the heart of the land, its waters sourced from two expansive lakes that mirror the kingdom's duality. One of these lakes, situated near the stately castle, exuded an air of grandeur, while the other formed a haven for the privileged elite as their grand homes were situated around the lake.

Amidst the verdant landscapes and rolling hills, the countryside teemed with life and industry. Several farms dotted the horizon, where skilled hands tended to livestock and cultivated the fertile land, sustaining the kingdom with bountiful harvests. Within the bustling town and city centers, a tapestry of occupations weaved together the fabric of the Xerovian society. Merchants ply their trade, offering exotic wares from distant lands, while diligent footmen cater to the needs of the aristocracy with unwavering loyalty. Artisans like shoemakers, dressmakers, and potters crafted exquisite creations that adorned the royal court and common folk alike, infusing the kingdom with artistry and skill.

In the shadows of the city streets was home to entertainers who captivated audiences with their performances, bringing joy and merriment to all who witness their talents. Along the cobblestone paths, fishermen hauled in their daily catch, while skilled medical practitioners and herbalists tend to the health and well-being of the population. The fragrant scent of blooming flowers drifted from the stalls of florists and wagons of various fruits added color and beauty to the bustling markets. Amidst the tapestry of occupations, each thread contributed to the rich tapestry of life in Xerovia, where diversity and unity thrived in harmony.

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