XXVIII: Arrows and Targets

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Was I embarrassed? Perhaps I was. Did I enjoy it? Well, I didn't hate it so to speak. I could still feel the numbness in the back of my throat. I was, however embarrassed that I let him know that I had studied for it. Which I did. I had no clue as to how two men had sexual relations so I took it upon myself to read a bit. I was more surprised on how many books documented it.

I was quite disappointed when I turned around from wearing my pants and he had already left. I mean, what did I expect? That he would stay? What would we do? There was no future for us to talk about. All we had was our shared hatred. Was there a part of me that wished there could me more?

I went downstairs to the parlor where I found my sister and Hyacinth discussing something with a book open in Aria's hands. Ah....I had forgotten they both liked somewhat the same genres when it came to literature.

"I see you ladies don't seem to be in need of my presence when you have each other," I said sighing and  feigning a sad frown. But they both looked a bit flustered.

"Oh Rowan, it's not like that. It's just..." began Hyacinth but I cut her off.

"It's very much alright. I don't mind. I have a few people I would like to meet today anyway. You girls feel free to enjoy yourselves."

Aria smiled and replied, "By a few people, do you mean Cassius?"

"I'm going down to the camp. So it'll basically just be the soldiers and yes, Cassius too. I'll see you later.

As I stepped away from the castle, I looked at the sky. Perfect sunny weather. But now, with the cool breeze on my face, I turned my thoughts toward Cassius. He would surely be training, as usual, honing his skills with that relentless determination I both admired and envied.

I made my way through the sprawling grounds, the soft crunch of gravel underfoot guiding me toward the archery range. The sun was high, casting long shadows that danced along the targets set up against the backdrop of ancient oaks. As I approached, I spotted Cassius, his focus unwavering as he drew back his bowstring, muscles tensing with each precise movement.

He loosed an arrow, and it sailed through the air, striking the target with a satisfying thud. I paused, watching the ease with which he commanded the weapon. If only my own heart were as steady.

“Rowan!” he called out, lowering his bow with a smirk. “Come to join me in my daily display of superiority, or just here to gawk like a lovesick fool? I got your letter by the way.”

I chuckled, forcing a grin to mask the turmoil within. “You know I could never match your unrivaled skill.”

“True,” he replied, rolling his eyes dramatically. “But at least I give you something to aspire to, even if it’s just my impeccable posture.”

I took a deep breath, the words I had rehearsed swirling in my mind, tangled with hesitation. Cassius had always been my confidant, but this was different. This involved Garrick—a name that felt foreign on my tongue, even after the moments we shared.

“I… I wanted to talk to you about someone,” I began, my voice more tentative than I intended.

Cassius’s brow furrowed, and he stepped closer, a mock-serious expression on his face. “Is it that warlock you mentioned? Garrick I believe? The one who apparently has the power to make you lose your mind?”

I nodded, the weight of his name pressing down on me like a stone. “Yes. We’ve been… seeing each other.”

“Seeing each other?” Cassius echoed, feigning shock. “Oh, the scandal! I thought you despised the man.”

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