XXIX: Coloring the Darkness

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The door creaked shut behind me, sealing out the last remnants of sunlight. My home, a dismal place shrouded in shadows, seemed to absorb the warmth of the day. I trudged past shelves lined with carefully dusted tomes and assorted magical trinkets, until I reached the table on which my crystal globe lay.

I placed my hand on its cool surface, feeling the familiar hum of energy thrumming beneath my fingertips. I had to reach out to Thalia. She had been my closest companion for years, the one person who understood the complexities of my life and the tangled web of emotions I often found myself ensnared in.

"Thalia," I whispered into the globe. "Can you hear me?"

The mist began to coalesce, and moments later, her face emerged, bright and lively against the gloom of my surroundings. "Garrick! What a pleasant surprise. You've been calling me a lot lately, I feel I owe the prince my gratitude, " she began, her voice melodic and teasing. "Who would've thought that that was all it took to get you to finally drag yourself out of that dreary hole of yours?"

"How did you know I'd ask about him?" I asked, genuinely curious. "I barely mentioned him last time."

"Garrick," she replied with a knowing smile, "this is all you've been calling me about for the past three weeks. I was beginning to wonder if I should send you a prince-themed care package. With a little crown and ruffled shirts, maybe a bejewelled scepter or two?"

"Anyway," I replied, a half-smile creeping onto my lips. "I have... news."

Her expression shifted to one of curiosity. "Oh? Do tell. It's about the prince, isn't it? Rowan, was it?"

I nodded, the memory of our encounters flooding back, igniting a warmth I hadn't expected. "Yes. I've been seeing him."

Thalia's eyes widened, and she leaned closer, the light in the globe catching the mischievous glint in her gaze. "Seeing him? In what way? Your normal stalker-ish way or...."

"No... I've been seeing him in a friendly way, to put it simply."

"You mean you're not at each other's throats anymore?"

"Quite the opposite, actually. I mean, we're still at each other's throats, just differently now," I admitted, my heart racing as I recounted the moments we shared. "We've had some... heated encounters."

Her laughter rang out like a bell. "Heated? Oh, do elaborate! This is a development I did not foresee. I'm lying. I foresaw it all but still tell me."

I took a deep breath, the weight of my feelings pressing down on me. "At first, I of course thought I hated him. You know that. He infuriated me, and I was certain he was just a spoiled prince with no idea of the world beyond his castle walls. But then..." I paused, wrestling with the complexities of my emotions. "Then something changed. We had these moments, shared exploration. It's maddening."

"Madness actually quite suits you," Thalia teased, though her tone softened. "But Garrick, this is huge! You and the prince? Who would've thought? It sounds like the beginning of a fairy tale."

"Or a nightmare," I countered, my brow furrowing. "What if this is just a fleeting infatuation? He has a world to return to-his responsibilities, his title. I don't want to be a passing fancy. He's even courting some girl. And she's quite the view."

"Ah, classic jealousy. But also fear of vulnerability," Thalia mused, her voice steadying. "But isn't it worth the risk? You've built walls around your heart for so long. Perhaps it's time to break them down, even if he is the prince."

I leaned back, the weight of her words settling over me. "You really think so?"

"Absolutely. But it's not just about what you think he feels. What do you feel yourself? It has to be worth the possible heartbreak"

I hesitated, the question hanging heavy in the air. What did I feel? The kisses, the laughter, the way his presence stirred something inside me-it was all so intoxicating. "I... I'm still drawn to him. I want to know him... But..."

"Then don't overthink it. Reach out already. See where this path takes you," she advised, her expression earnest. "You owe it to yourself, and to him, to explore this connection and be clear about your intentions."

I let her words wash over me, contemplating the truth in them.

"Alright," I said finally, a newfound determination rising within me. "I'll reach out to him eventually. But you know I might need your help along the way."

"Of course! I'm your personal cheerleader," she replied, her playful tone returning.

"Right," I said, my heart racing at the thought. "Oh, and just to clarify-um, we... you know..."

"Had sex?" Thalia interjected, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Well well well..."

I felt my face flush as I stammered, "No! Not yet! I mean, we've kissed and a few other things, but that's it. I'd never-"

"Ah....Garrick, are you scared?" she teased, laughter bubbling up. "I suppose you still have your reputation to protect, don't you?"

"Shut up," I mumbled, embarrassed but also amused. "I just... I want it to mean something when we do it, you know?"

Thalia's expression softened. "That's understandable. Just remember, intimacy doesn't have to be a grand spectacle. We don't have to light candles and spread petals. It can be just as meaningful in its simplicity. You just need to consent on both sides."

"Right... But how..." I suddenly went silent.

"But how what? Do you not know how to go about having sex with the prince? Do you not know what to do?"

"How are you so blunt when talking about such things?"

"Do you or do you not need help having sex with the prince? I mean, I'm not a man but I could give you tips..." She laughed.

"Thank you, Thalia," I said, color rising on my face, "but I believe that I'm quite okay on the topic. Let's not discuss it more than we need to."

"Just one more thing. Do you expect the prince to be on the bottom? From what you say, he might want to have the upper hand." She raised her eyebrows cheekily and grinned.

"I suppose it doesn't matter who's on the bottom."

"Wowww....you really want to have sex with the prince, don't you?"

"Goodbye Thalia!" I said before putting a cloth over the globe.

"Alright Garrick," she said, "Go make some magic happen. You know the kind of magic I'm talking about. Bye. I love you."

The connection finally faded as I stood in my dim room, the shadows feeling a little less oppressive than usual. I almost felt I should add a bit if color. What the hell was happening to me?

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