XIII: A Red Dress

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I stood alone in the grand ballroom, my heart still fluttering from my fleeting moment with Prince Rowan. He had excused himself to seek fresh air, leaving me amidst the laughter and swirling music. Seeking refuge, I made my way to the refreshments table, my thoughts still heavy with uncertainty.

As I reached for a glass of water, a familiar figure approached, Princess Aria. Her presence was striking, accentuated by the deep red gown she wore. The fabric flowed elegantly, its rich color captivating. The corset accentuated her waist perfectly, while ruffles cascaded down from the bodice, enhancing her regal appearance. Long sleeves adorned with intricate lace framed her arms, and the square neckline showcased her graceful collarbone. The simple pieces of silver jewelry with crimson stones complimented her dress perfectly.

"Hyacinth, how lovely to see you. Not that I wasn't expecting you to come," Aria greeted, her voice smooth and inviting.

"Princess Aria," I replied, trying to steady my racing heart. "You look stunning this evening."

"Thank you," she said, her eyes sparkling with pleasure. "I thought I'd try something bold. Do you remember when you suggested red would suit me better than my pink dress?"

The memory washed over me-painting her by the lake, sunlight glinting off the water as I captured her essence in vivid strokes. "I do," I said, my voice softening. "You looked beautiful then, too."

"Perhaps I should thank you for the inspiration. It does bring out my bold features along with my dark hair," Aria said, a playful smile curving her lips. But then her expression shifted, curiosity glinting in her eyes. "But tell me, where is Rowan? I thought you two were enjoying the evening together."

My heart sank at the mention of the prince. "He just... suddenly asked to be excused," I admitted, feeling the weight of my solitude. "So I was left alone."

"Left alone in a room full of guests? How unfortunate," she remarked, her tone sympathetic. "I can't imagine that that was easy."

"It wasn't," I replied, the truth heavy on my chest. "But I suppose it happens. And I don't mind being alone every couple of minutes."

"Let me remedy that," Aria said, her expression brightening. "Would you do me the honor of the next dance?"

A flutter of excitement coursed through me, mingling with guilt. I was being courted by Rowan, yet here was Aria, with her enchanting presence and undeniable allure. The idea of dancing with her stirred something deep within me, a feeling I couldn't quite name.

"Of course," I managed, my voice steadier than I felt. "I'd love to."

As we moved to the center of the ballroom, my pulse quickened. I couldn't help but steal glances at her, the way her gown flowed around her, the grace in her every movement-it was mesmerizing. I felt guilty for the emotions brewing inside me, especially as Rowan lingered in my mind. Yet another part of me was awakening, drawn to the princess in a way that felt both exhilarating and frightening.

As the music began, Aria took my hand, our fingers intertwining. In that moment, the ballroom faded away, leaving only the two of us, suspended in a dance that felt like the beginning of something new.

As we swayed to the music, I couldn't shake the feeling of exhilaration and uncertainty. Aria's hand was warm in mine, and the gentle rhythm of the dance felt as if it were wrapping us in a cocoon.

"I've been meaning to ask," Aria began, her gaze focused intently on me. "How is that portrait of mine coming along? The one by the lake?"

I bit my lip, recalling the unfinished canvas back in my studio. "It's... not quite done yet," I admitted, a twinge of guilt creeping in. "I've struggled to capture what I envisioned." The truth was that it was already finished yet I felt that something was missing.

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