VIII: The King's Daughter

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"Of course mother." I said as I lifted my skirt to enter the carriage.

"And please remember, this is the prince's sister. You must get her to adore you as much as his majesty does." Added my mother.

"We're yet to know whether the prince even adores me at all."

"Well how couldn't he? As far as I know, he hasn't spent as much time with any other woman apart from his sister. So do not throw away this chance. Do you understand?"

"Yes mother."

I looked out the carriage window as we passed by multiple estates and farms until we arrived at the castle gates. It was still as magnificent each time that I visited it. Having the chance to live there some day was a dream to any young woman. However, I knew nothing about the duties of a royal. Of course I could always have learnt it but I just didn't want to. If my mother could have heard my thoughts at the moment, she would have lost her mind.

The guard at the door led us to the castle's parlor. Soft, pastel-colored walls are adorned with delicate wallpaper featuring subtle flower patterns. A plush settee, upholstered in a light fabric with vibrant blooms sat against one of the walls. Above it was a beautiful family portrait within a golden frame. Brightly colored floral cushions added comfort and a splash of color. Sheer curtains framed the windows, allowing soft sunlight to filter in and illuminate the room. A vase of fresh flowers sat on a stool in the corner of the room, infusing the air with a gentle fragrance. Decorative items, such as porcelain figurines and small books, are scattered on shelves, enhancing the parlor's warmth and charm. Overall, the space feels welcoming, perfect for conversation and relaxation.

And right there, gracefully sat on a pastel cream sofa was the princess reading a book which she put down immediately when she realized our presence. The guard gave a respectful bow and left.

She looked like a doll, her hands carefully places in from of her. She stood to welcome us. "I hope your coming here wasn't too cumbersome." Her voice is like a melody, vibrant and enchanting. Her words flowed so effortlessly and her smile... Well, it was warm and enticing. I could only wish to have half the radiance that she possessed. "Please have a seat," she said.

My mother and I settled on the settee and she sat back down on her arm chair. Everything she did was done with such effortless grace. I couldn't help but feel inferior.

"Thank you so much for inviting us this fine day. It's a beautiful day isn't it?" Said my mother as she lightly laughed.

"You're more than welcome Mrs. Stalworth. I of course have to know the woman that my brother will marry since we will be great friends." Replied the princess.

"Well then I shall leave you to it," said my mother standing up from her seat. "Please take all the time you need."

"Very well then. I shall have someone send her home once we're done."

"That sounds simply marvellous."

Soon after a guard arrived to escort my mother up but not before she whispered into my ear, "Don't mess this up. And sit up straight." I immediately straightened up my posture and waved goodbye.

Once out of earshot, I said, "I apologize on my mother's behalf. She's quite the chatter. She's just a bit excited."

"No need to apologize. I have encountered many more mouthful groups of mamas." Replied the princess with a slight chuckle.

I felt myself shrink in my seat and I could feel a blush coming along. What made me believe that I could do this? My nerves threatened to drown me and my palms grew sweaty. But I was brought out of my panic when the princess said, "How about we walk about the lake. It's a little warm here, is it not?"

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