XV: Involuntary Sparks.

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I slipped through the door of my home, locking it firmly behind me. The familiar darkness enveloped me, but the shadows felt heavier tonight, burdened by the memory of what had just transpired. I had kissed him—the prince. Rowan’s stunned face replayed in my mind, the shock evident across his features as our lips met. The way his eyes had widened... I didn’t know why I had done it, but the taste of it lingered, both exhilarating and consuming. I liked it.

But conflict gnawed at me. I was supposed to hate him. I had spent years building that hatred, fueled by the sins of his family, the weight of their actions pressing down on me like a shroud. They had taken everything from me—a truth I had never shared with anyone, a wound that festered just beneath the surface.

The specifics of my father’s ruin remained locked away, a tale that pained me to tell each time and so I didn't.

I paced the dim room, pushing away the memory of his warmth. I had never been bothered enough to the point of pacing but as it turns out, all I needed was to kiss the prince to make me flustered. I looked at myself in the mirror that hung on the wall. Was that color seeping through my face? Impossible.

I was here for a purpose, one that had brought me to that kingdom in the first place. I was there only to spy, sent by the neighboring kingdom to gather information, to learn their weaknesses and exploit them. My mission was clear: infiltrate, observe, and report back. In return, I would be granted my precious crystal—one that would allow me to return to my home island, a place I hadn’t seen in far too long. A place I wished I could return with my father but could never.

The gravity of that task weighed heavily on my shoulders, reminding me of the stakes involved. I was there to avenge my father, and yet there I was, entangled with the very person I was meant to despise.

I paused, running a hand through my hair irritated. Rowan was a pawn in a game I had been playing for years, and yet my emotions were blurring the lines. The kiss had shifted something within me, opening a door I had long kept shut. How could I focus on my mission when the prince’s voice echoed in my mind over and over threatening to make me insane?

The reality of my situation sank in. I was walking a dangerous path. With each moment I spent near Rowan, I risked losing sight of my goal.

I moved to the small window, peering into the darkness outside. I needed to remember who I was—what I had come to accomplish. My father’s honor depended on it.

As I turned away from the window, determination surged within me. I would not let my moment of weakness derail my purpose. I had a mission to complete, and I would see it through, no matter the cost.

I leaned against the wall, the dim light flickering from the candles in the room casting long shadows that danced around me. I should not long to see him again. I should want to forget the way he smiled, the way his eyes sparkled with a mix of defiance and curiosity. But I couldn’t help myself. The pull was too strong, and it twisted in my chest like a blade.

Rowan had become my guilty pleasure—a source of both fascination and disdain. I hated that I found joy in his presence, even as I plotted against everything he stood for. I should have been planning my next move, focusing on gathering the information, yet all I could think about was him.

I had silently observed him from the shadows. It both thrilled and tormented me how I couldn't help myself. Each stolen glance at him felt like a betrayal of my purpose. I recalled the way he had looked at me, his brows furrowed in confusion, and I hated how I had enjoyed the moment—how it had felt to have that brief connection. He was everything my mission demanded I oppose, yet he stirred something within me that I couldn’t ignore.

I gripped the edge of the table, knuckles whitening as I battled with my thoughts. This wasn’t just reckless attraction; it was a dangerous distraction that could unravel everything I had worked for. My heart raced at the idea of being caught in a web of emotions that could lead to ruin. Intoxicating and perilous. What a beautiful chaos. It was futile to indulge in fantasies that could never be realized. Yet, as I turned away from the window, I felt a flicker of hope that I might find a way to navigate this tangled mess. The thrill of being near him, even from afar, was a temptation I couldn’t shake.

The sound of the wind outside rattled the window, grounding me momentarily. I took a deep breath, forcing myself to focus. I had to keep my distance. Rowan was a prince, and I was a soul that vowed to end his family and send them to ruin—two worlds that should never collide, that would never collide.

With resolve settling in my chest, I made a silent vow: I would not let my feelings lead me astray.

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