IV: Art and Strangers

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Hyacinth was confused to say the least when she received my invitation to visit the gallery a few days later. Even more confused was her mother when I went to pick her up. It appears neither of them had expected that I would have wanted to spend some more time with the young lady. Nevertheless, her mother was more than happy to send us on our way.

I helped Hyacinth into the carriage and bid farewell to her parents promising to have her back before evening. the silence while on our way was deafening. "So..." I began but so did Hyacinth. "You can go first." I said.

"I feel as though you're doing this to make up for my embarrassment from the last time we met."

"Well, that's half true. I was just as embarrassed that day. I do feel like I should make it up. But I also want to be involved in your passions. That is if you would allow me."

"Of course. I should also thank you. I've been wanting to go there for much too long. I finally have the chance."

We stood there staring at the painting. She seemed to be studying it while I stood there without a single thought in my head. We had not been there for too long. In fact, we just got there. But she explained to me that most paintings told a story. As for the painting in front of us, all I could see was a lady doing embroidery with a child asleep by her side. Not much of a story to tell. For all one knows, it could have just been meant to be pretty.

All sections of the gallery had different art styles. We arrived to a section that i could only describe as explicit. Not much was left to the imagination but I suppose that was art. Once again I had managed to embarrass Miss Hyacinth as I noticed her face flush to a deep pink. "Maybe we should move on?" she said. It came out as more of a plea that a suggestion. We began to walk away and i said, "I may not be an artist of any sort but is that not where all great painters start?"

She quickly answered, "I don't do that kind of painting. My mother only allows me paint landscapes and animals. Don't you think that to be a bit inappropriate?"

"Not at all. Women in high society often had paintings and drawings like that made for their husbands."

"Do you expect your future wife to gift you with a painting like that of herself?"

"She could if she wanted to."

"Would you like it?"

"I don't really know. I'm not really expecting such a thing from my future wife. All I'm saying is that I simply would not know what to do with it. But if it makes her happy then I will accept them all."

"Oh!" she seemed dissatisfied with my answer.

"What is it? Was there something in particular you were thinking I would do with it?"

"No. Not at all." her blush had deepened and her face could be likened to a tomato.

"I know what you're thinking. Your red face gives you away. The truth is that I know what such drawings and paintings are used for. I, however, have never considered indulging in such. At least not at the moment."

If you don't know what I'm talking about then all the better but lets just say it's something very inappropriate.

For the rest of our time there, she hid her face behind her fan. She constantly fanned her face to try and cool her face and reduce the blushing. I found her to be quite adorable when she was flustered. As we exited the gallery, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I brushed it off as being a shadow and moved on. But then I saw it again. A tall dark figure which disappeared behind the building. I wanted to follow it but I couldn't just leave the young lady alone on the street. So I ignored it and assumed that I might've imagined it. Afterall, we had been looking at wonderous art pieces for most of the afternoon. My imagination must've been running wild.

I bid the young miss and her parents farewell after I rightfully returned her to her home and headed straight for the castle afterwards.

The Kasckacveq Chronicles: Crowns And ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now