XXXIV: Pillow Talk

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I won't lie. I was still shocked that he decided to stay. I mean, that was the most intimate we had ever been so it would make sense that he stayed. But I still couldn't figure it out. He had taken a wet rag and cleaned off our bodies of whatever sweat and excrements he could. He then tucked as both into bed.

He probably didn't find me so beautiful anymore with my hair all over the place and the dried tear streaks on my face. He also wouldn't let me do a thing by the way, which made sense with how my ass was feeling, I didn't think I could do anything at all.

I didn't want to ask about it though. So instead, I relaxed my arms, trying to maintain my composure with him in my hold. Who would've known? He actually preferred to be held rather than hold.

We laid there for minutes, neither of us asleep, our naked bodies absorbing and sharing each other's heat.

“Why did you hate me?" I suddenly asked. I had been dying to ask him that question for way too long. "Or why do you hate me? Because perhaps you still do. Was it the title? Or was it just the fact that I’m just… me? My sister tells me my face can be quite annoying.”

Though I couldn't exactly see his face, I could imagine he raised an eyebrow, amusement flickering in his dark eyes. “Hate is a strong word. I was… irritated, perhaps. You’re quite insufferable.”

“Insufferable?” I scoffed, the heat of embarrassment creeping back. “If anyone was insufferable, it was definitely you. Appearing and disappearing as you pleased... I haven't forgiven you yet for making me question my sanity.”

“Oh really?” Garrick shot back “I believe you hated me because I made you feel something you weren’t prepared for.”

I opened my mouth to retort but found myself at a loss. What the hell did he mean? “And what's that?” I finally asked, my voice quieter.

Garrick turned to look up at me, the smirk gone, replaced by something more sincere. “Desire, Rowan. You can deny it all you want, but you felt it just as strongly as I did.”

"Oh please... You desired me a lot more than I desired you. I'm not the one who stalked the other after all." I was trying to defend myself even though there was some truth in what he said. But was that all we had between us? Just desire? I had to know.

"Do you like me Garrick?" I asked and before he could reply, I added, "I just want to know because I like you. And it would break me to know that we did all of this and the feelings were not mutual."

Garrick let out a low chuckle, the sound warm and almost teasing. “Trust me, Rowan, the feeling is mutual. How can you not tell? I wouldn’t have stayed if it wasn’t.” His gaze softened, and I felt my heart race at his words.

“Really?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. Doubt lingered in the back of my mind, but his sincerity seemed to chase it away.

“Really,” he replied, his tone serious now. “It’s not just desire. And at some point I wished that that was all it was. But there’s something deeper here. I didn’t want to admit it at first, but I've grown to care about you more than I intended to.”

I could hardly breathe. “You care about me?” The words tasted foreign on my tongue, yet thrilling.

“Yes,” he said, looking directly into my eyes. “You challenge me to face emotions I never thought I'd have. You make me feel alive, and it terrifies me.”

I smiled despite myself, feeling a warmth spread through my chest. “Terrifies you? That’s quite the compliment.”

He smirked again, that familiar spark returning. “You’re insufferable, remember? And I still hate you. But maybe that’s why I can’t stay away.”

"Well I hate you too." I said running my fingers through his hair

The unease shifted, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me. “So, what now?” I asked, my voice steadier. “Where do we go from here?”

Garrick paused, his expression thoughtful. “I think we take it one step at a time. Let’s not rush this. Let’s figure each other out without the pressure of expectations.”

“Sounds… reasonable,” I replied, feeling more hopeful than I had in a long time. “I can do that.”

“Good,” he said, reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind my ear. The simple touch sent shivers down my spine. “And maybe, just maybe, we’ll figure out that this is worth the risk.”

I nodded, feeling a blend of excitement and trepidation. “I’d like that, Garrick.”

With that, we settled back into our comfortable silence, the air between us charged with unspoken promises and the warmth of a budding connection that felt like it had been a long time coming.

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