IX: The Stranger

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I walked along the crown river, right where I would normally take my bath. The serene environment allowed for a proper setting to think. Every few moments I would drop a pebble into the water and watch the ripples around it slowly disappear. The truth was that I was trying to clear my mind. My sister was at the time caring to Hyacinth by the lake.

For some time I had watched them. I had to make sure that my potential bride was in good hands. Once I made sure that Aria was not bullying her just for the fun of it, I was on my way down the river trail. However, I didn't think Hyacinth survived the teasing because I could liken her face to a tomato.

Just then, I heard something drop into the water. Something small. Being so lost in thought, I assumed it to be me who mindlessly threw another pebble. That was until I realized that it was well out of pebbles in my hand and had not bent down to get some more for a while.

I grew more alert and hastily looked in all directions until I briefly saw the black cloak that haunted me at night and in my day dreams. And for a second I thought, it was just a shadow cast by a bush. But that was until it moved slightly and dashed off.

I didn't think in the moment and just chased it. It appeared as if I was running after a shadow through the woods. And there it was again, the eerie breeze. I can't explain how it felt but I was cold. I did not stop though since I was so close to catching him. I studied his build. He was about the same size and height as me. I thought I could easily tackle him if I wanted to. And that was if I even managed to catch him.

There he was. So close. I reached my hand out to grab at him and when I finally managed to clasp as much of the cloak as I could, I pulled at it and slammed him on a nearby tree. A dark cloth covered half his face and for a moment a peered into two dark eyes. His pupils shrunk and his eyebrows curved in obvious rage. And that was when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and the air left my lungs. With his arm which I had stupidly left free, he had punched me strong and hard. I fell onto my knees and he released himself from my grasp with much ease.

Mustering as much energy as I could through the pain, I chased after him again. I blinked and he was gone. There were nothing but trees and bushes around me and a burning pain in my abdomen.

I punched the tree beside me in a fit of frustration and did nothing but injure my knuckles. I supported my back on that tree and tried to catch my breath as I felt the blood trickle down my fingers. And right there, swaying slightly from the light wind as it dropped to the ground, was another black feather.

Author's note: short chapter. I know but I didn't want to drag along the narration. It felt unnecessary.

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