XI: The Outlander

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The water stung for the first few moments as I ran it along my bleeding fist. I cleaned up the dry blood along my fingers using the rivers water. I cannot remember how long I had remained seated beneath that tree but by the time the lake came into view, the sun was setting. Hyacinth and Aria were long gone. And the once bright blue lake was a magnificent orange and pink which matched the skies hues.

If it wasn't for the dull pain in my abdomen, I don't think I would believe that my encounter was real. Still, I didn't think I should've late anyone else know about it. A little liquor would have been in order though. And so I ordered for someone to inform Cassius that we would be having a small escapade when the moon rises.

As I walked through the halls, I ran into my sister. "Tell our parents that I will not be attending our evening meal tonight. I'm going out with Cassius. Don't tell them the last part though." I said.

"Hold on there." She replied. "Mother says that you can't skip the meal tonight. She has a few things she needs to discuss. Probably another ball and she needs to make sure that you'll attend."

"Tell her that I will."

"No. You can go out with Cassius after the meal. It's never good to have liquor on an empty stomach. You can leave immediately after."

"Fine!" I said rolling my eyes.

Her gaze shifted to my bruised knuckles. She held one of my hands in hers, "And what happened here?" She looked back up at me.

"Just a little accident. Do not worry about it." I took my hand out of hers. "Did you send Hyacinth home. I hope it went well. Charming, isn't she?" I said trying to redirect the conversation.

"I sent her out about an hour before sundown. And yes, I think she's quite lovely."

"Amazing. I'll trust your intuition. Let me go get ready for supper then, shall I?"

"Fine!" She replied

I slammed the door shut behind me and laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. My attention was then drawn towards my window where another single feather lay. I got off the bed and picked it up. I did nothing but place it in the drawer along with the others that I had collected from the forest floor. From the lower drawer, I removed a few bandages for my injured fist. I was no physician but I felt I did well with the wrapping. It looked half decent.

Darkness continued to fall as I made my way to the dining room. Everyone was already seated and my bandaged hand stood out like a sore thumb.

"May I ask how you injured your arm?" My father raised his brow pointing his fork at my bandage.

"I would prefer if you didn't," I retorted with a nervous chuckle as I took my seat by my sister.

A few minutes into the meal, my mother began, "I have arranged a ball for three days from now. Rowan, I would appreciate it if you didn't find an excuse to not attend."

"Don't worry mother. I'll definitely be in attendance. I won't guarantee how long I'll stay though. It takes a lot of energy for a young man to socialize. The young man being myself."

"Well you're in luck because the only person I expect you to socialize with is Hyacinth. Your sister informed me of their time together. I was most definitely correct about the young woman's character. And I would very  much like another daughter to spoil. And perhaps some grandchildren...."

"Mother... Don't you think it's a bit too early to be talking about grandchildren. Was taking care of us two not grueling enough for you?"

"Just make sure they you attend!" The sharp look she gave passed the message across beautifully.

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