XVII: Unspoken Desires

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The sun had already reached its peak in the sky as I made my way to the castle.  My heart raced with each step, a mix of excitement and trepidation swirling within me. I had spent countless hours in my room, perfecting the painting of Princess Aria. Today was the day I would present it to her, an act that felt simultaneously thrilling and dangerous. I was embarrassed by the amount of time I had spent perfecting every curl in my hair and touching up my make up. I wanted to be perfect just as she was.

Though I could have sent the painting via a servant, I couldn't shake the urge to deliver it myself. Since I had begun working on it, my feelings for Aria had deepened into something I struggled to comprehend. It was more than admiration; it was a yearning.

As the maid led me through the halls of the castle and we approached the parlor, I took a deep breath to steady myself. The large doors swung open, revealing the bright, elegant space filled with sunlight filtering through the tall windows. I stepped inside and waited, my heart fluttering with anticipation.

Moments later, Aria entered, adorned in a stunning deep green dress that made my breath catch. The fabric complimented everything about her perfectly. I couldn't help but notice that she seemed to mark my words and had begun to dress in bolder, darker colors. Seeing her in this shade made her skin glow, and I felt a pang of desire that I was sure was almost forbidden.

"Hyacinth," she said, her voice melodic and warm.

"Princess," I managed, my voice low as I fumbled with the wrapped painting in my arms. I suddenly grew aware of how I was lingering on her beauty for a bit too long. It felt dangerous, yet I couldn't tear my gaze away.

I swallowed hard, forcing myself to remember why I was here. "I finished the painting," I said, extending it toward her. "I thought you might like to see it."

Her eyes lit up with genuine curiosity as she took the wrapped canvas from my hands. "You delivered it yourself? How thoughtful of you."

I offered a weak smile, my heart racing. "I wanted to-"

Before I could finish, I found myself caught in the depth of her gaze, a swirl of emotions I couldn't fully decipher reflected back at me. I shook my head slightly, trying to dismiss the warmth spreading through me. "I think I should be going now, Your Highness."

But before I could turn away, Aria beckoned me to stay. "Please, Hyacinth. Stay for tea. I would love to have your company."

The invitation felt like a lifeline, and I found myself nodding despite the flutter of anxiety in my stomach. "Of course."

We moved to the outside pavilion by the lake, the gentle lapping of the water creating a serene backdrop for our conversation. As I settled into a chair across from her, I watched her unroll the painting with delicate care.

Aria's expression shifted as she studied the canvas, and I felt a mixture of dread and hope. Would she like it? The painting captured her likeness as much as I could, but I had taken the liberty of adding small red roses adorning her hair, something that hadn't been there when she had posed for me. It was a subtle touch, an expression of my feelings that I couldn't voice.

She paused, her brow furrowing slightly, and my heart raced. "These roses... they weren't here when I posed, were they?"

"No," I replied, my voice steady despite the storm in my chest. "I just thought they would complement your beauty and... well, I thought they suited you."

A smile broke across her face, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "I like it. It's beautiful."

The compliment hung in the air, charged with unspoken meaning. My heart skipped a beat, and I dared to hold her gaze a moment longer. "Thank you. I'm glad you like it."

We fell into a comfortable silence, the rustle of leaves and the soft chirping of birds creating a peaceful atmosphere. But beneath that tranquility, an undercurrent of tension thrummed between us-an unacknowledged connection that felt electric.

Tea was soon served. I let my gaze linger on the princess for a bit longer as she continued to study the painting. Suddenly, my hand slipped, and tea spilled across my dress. Embarrassment flushed my cheeks as Aria quickly came to my aid, "Are you alright? Are you burnt?"

"No. I'm fine." I replied as she used napkins to try and wipe off the stubborn stain.

"It's no use," I said, forcing a laugh. "I suppose I'm just a bit clumsy." Aria smiled gently and replied, "You can borrow one of my dresses if you want."

"I could never do that."

"Please, it's no trouble at all. I insist. We can send your soiled dress to be washed. The sooner the better or the stain might never come out."

Grateful yet nervous, I followed Aria back to her room where she handed me a light blue dress to try out.

As she changed behind a curtain, I could almost feel Aria's stare on me. I grew a bit conscious.

"Are you okay?" Aria asked, her voice light but laced with concern. "I can help if you need me to."

I hesitated, my fingers fumbling with the fabric. "I'm fine! Really. Just give me a moment," I called back, trying to sound confident.

"Alright, but let me know if you need anything!" Aria replied, her tone encouraging.

As I slipped into the soft fabric of the dress, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. "Your dresses are beautiful," I said, hoping to shift the focus. "I can't believe you'd let me wear one."

"Of course! You'd look marvelous in anything," Aria replied, her voice warm. "Just... don't take too long. I'm eager to see how it looks on you."

My heart fluttered at the compliment, the realization of my feelings for Aria growing clearer with each passing moment. "Alright, just a few more seconds," I  said, adjusting the hem as I caught my breath.

Finally, I stepped out from behind the curtain, heart pounding as I faced Aria. "What do you think?"

Aria's eyes lit up, a smile breaking across her face. "You look incredible! The dress was made for you. It brings out your eyes."

I had not even noticed that. The fabric of the dress was the exact same color as my eyes. Confidence? Probably.

As I admired my reflection in the mirror, my heart raced at Aria's compliment. But I began to be filled with doubt.

Could Aria possibly feel the same way about me? I bit my lip, recalling the warmth in her gaze, the way she seemed to light up every room she walked in. But could someone like her ever see me as more than just a friend? A sister? The thought was absurd.

Turning away from the mirror,  I caught a glimpse of Aria's reflection looking at me, her presence radiant and captivating. It was easy to lose myself in thoughts of what could be.

"Honestly, I just got this dress," Aria said, stepping closer, her eyes sparkling. "But it definitely suits you a lot better than it would me."

Her sincerity sent a thrill through me. Did she truly see me as someone deserving of such a beautiful dress? "What if you wore it first and just gave me another?" I suggested lightly, though a part of me wanted to keep it for myself. "It's your dress, after all."

"No, I insist! You make it come alive," she replied, a playful smile lighting up her face. "Please keep it."

I took one more look at myself in the mirror. I looked so regal, so beautiful. And I felt amazing. Just the thought that I was wearing her clothes... This woman might just grow to be the death of me.

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