XXII: Released Tension (M)

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Mature content warning: The whole chapter is not mature content but there is some nearing the end. I'll also put a warning as to where the mature content begins so you can just skip that part as well if you're not comfortable with it.


I still felt the lingering warmth of his kiss the next morning and the morning after that. Each time our lips had met, it was as if the world fell away, yet just as quickly, he vanished, leaving me grappling with a confusing craving for more. Why did he keep disappearing? The questions twisted in my mind like a relentless storm.

"Garrick," I said lightly. It was as if I was trying out the taste of his name on my tongue. I remembered the rough feel of his light beard on my chin, the sweet dull pain on my bottom lip when he left. I think he had bitten me again. Why did he do that? And why did I like it?

Days passed, and I found myself drawn to the riverbank where we shared those fleeting moments. Each visit felt like a ritual, a hope that perhaps he would reappear, yet each time I arrived, the spot remained untouched. It drove me insane, this ache of desire mingled with unanswered questions.

As I roamed the castle halls that morning, determined once again to find this man, I bumped into my sister Aria. She stood by one of the grand windows, sunlight catching her features and illuminating the smile that seemed almost foreign on her face.

"Rowan!" she exclaimed, her cheer infectious. "You look like you've seen a ghost. You've actually been like that for a few days now. Are you alright?"

I raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Don't worry about me. I've just had a bit of trouble sleeping . What's with your good mood though?" I asked, unable to mask my skepticism. Aria was rarely this buoyant, especially in the morning.

"Oh, you don't need to know," she replied playfully, waving her hand dismissively, her smile widening.

"Come on, tell me!" I pressed, intrigued but also annoyed.

She leaned closer, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Maybe you'll find out soon enough," she teased, her tone suggesting that whatever she was hiding was significant.

I watched her, torn between frustration and curiosity. "This isn't the time for games, Aria," I said, but her laughter only echoed down the hall as she walked away.

With a sigh, I turned back toward the exit. As I made my way to the river, the weight of my disappointment settled heavily on my shoulders. I had almost come to terms with the fact that Garrick might not show up again. The longing had transformed into a dull ache, one I thought I could momentarily ease with a swim.

Once I reached the water's edge, I stripped down to only my linen hose and left my articles on the grass. The cool morning air prickled my skin as I dipped my toes into the water, shivering slightly at the contrast. I stepped in deeper, feeling the refreshing rush envelop me, allowing the soothing currents to wash away my troubles.

Just as I began to relax, a sudden rustle interrupted the tranquil scene. A raven swooped down from the sky, its dark wings casting an ominous shadow over the water. I squinted up at the bird, feeling a strange pull in my chest. Then, in a blur of feathers and smoke, the raven vanished, and Garrick appeared before me, as if conjured from the very air itself.

"Garrick!" I exclaimed, startled. My heart raced, but my mind struggled to comprehend the suddenness of his arrival. He stood there, looking as enigmatic as ever.

It was at that moment that I couldn't shake the feeling that I was woefully underdressed. The water barely covered much of me as I attempted to go deeper.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I had to take care of a few things. Did you miss me?" he said, a playful smirk on his lips. But the lightness in his voice only fueled my irritation.

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