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A seagull flew over the ship and Harper watched as its shadow crossed over the sun.

Her body was flung closer to the pole suddenly when the boat smacked on top of the water. Hyde was thrown off his feet and smacked onto the deck.

"Sorry!" Harald steadied the helm and flicked on a few switches on the panel beside it.

"I said to pull in steady!" Hyde grunted.

"I heard what you said." Harald spat. "It ain't easy gliding this craft across the ocean!"

"Hyde, we are moving kind of fast, aren't we?" Arnest voiced, concerned.

Hyde looked over the side and into the water. "Harald cut off the engines!"

"Are you out of your mind, boy? I can't cut off the engine at this speed!"

Hyde could see that the ship was sliding toward the land faster than he calculated. Surely, they would damage a pier.

Harald was right, there was no way they'd come to a stop safely if he stopped the engine. The gravitational pull would more than likely rip someone's limb off.

"Shite!" Hyde jogged over Harper. "Arnest, brace for impact!" 

"Prepare for a Rocky ride!" Harald smiled wickedly and yanked the lever by the helm downward. A heavy grunt escaped from him, and Harper felt herself being slammed.

Wooden planks flew up into the air as the ship cracked into a pier. Several men walking jumped into the water to avoid getting hit.

The ship stopped, and Harald relaxed his arms.

"We've reached," Harald smirked and wiped the sweat from his face. "You'd think I'd have my ancestors' talents for this sorta thing."

"Where's Yanpu?" Harper moved away from Hyde to search for the boy. The immediate fear of him being whisked overboard coursed through her. "Yani? Yani!"

"Fun!" Yanpu clapped his hands as Arnest held him high. "I wanna go again!"

"Ey, guess it wasn't so bad since the lad enjoyed it." Harald snickered.

"Check the engines," Hyde commanded while setting Harper's hand free. "Arnest, let's go."

Swiftly, before Harper could react, Hyde swept her off her feet and held her bridal style. Before she could fight with him, he ran to the side of the boat and jumped off.

"AAH!" Harper felt her hair whip forward, before falling back to rest. Hyde landed on the part of the boardwalk that was still intact. When he set her down, a man with brown hair, dressed in a long-sleeved white embroidered shirt and black slacks jogged toward them.

"Mi docke! Mi docke! Eyu! Quello mi docke!?" The man shouted angrily at them. "Eyu ruined my docke! Freshly paintedeh! Aiy... Mai mai..." He groaned in horror.

"Scusi." Hyde frowned and set Harper beside him.

"Eyu ruined mi painteh! Feressa! Fresha! Eyu pay for it!"

"Ah, don't get your knickers in a twist, foolio." Arnest snapped as he approached the man.

"Fresh paint my arse. The planks are chipped. The sucker is a scammer. He does this even if a fishing boat docks by it."

"I had a feeling that was the case." Hyde stepped forward intimidatingly.

"Scammer? Non non non!" The man shook his head.

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