Part 221

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"That's when Tails passed out," Amadeus explained.

Shadow and Espio exchanged looks, "What the hell was that about?" Shadow asked in confusion.

"Whatever is going on, it seems like Jet and Vector are a part of it, but not willingly," Espio said as he analysed what Amadeus just shared with them. He rubbed his temples frustratedly, "What could they be up to and for whom are they doing this?"

"What happened next?" Shadow asked Amadeus.

"Well, probably not too long later, Tails woke up again. He was alone in the restroom," Amadeus continued. "As soon he remembered what happened, he took Silver's cuffs and went after them. He soon spotted Silver in the gemstone exhibition, accompanied by those other two. But apparently there was someone else, but Tails couldn't see him. To be safe, Tails hid behind one of the pedestals to see what was happening."


"Be careful," Jet whispered and looked around rather nervously, afraid museum visitors would enter this room.

Silver concentrated on the emerald. They used their powers to carefully replace the emerald with a similar object, to make sure none of the alarms went off. The room filled with a blue light when Silver focused their energy on multiple aspects to make it all happen flawlessly. Besides that, they also used their energy to block off the cameras and any other security devices surrounding them.

Tails looked shocked at seeing Silver try to steal the emerald, 'Why would they do that?' Tails wondered and looked worriedly towards Silver, who didn't look like their usual self. Their fur looked darker and their eyes weren't yellow but a light blue, which stared intently yet absently at the emerald. They slightly hovered above the ground.

"That's a good boy," A different voice whispered.

Tails frowned as he heard the dark and deep voice speaking those words. He leaned forward, hoping to see where the voice came from, but couldn't see another figure. He watched as Jet carefully took the emerald from Silver.

"Come on, we need to get out of here fast," Vector said. As he spoke, a dark puddle appeared on the floor.

Jet and Vector threw Silver a worried look, before the two of them went down through the puddle. Tails' eyes widened in surprise at seeing them disappear through the floor. Silver lowered theirself down and the blue glow died down. They moved towards the puddle.

"Stay! You know what you need to do next," The dark voice spoke sternly.

Silver immediately stood still at the edge of the puddle and looked down at it. They nodded absently, "Yes master," They whispered.

"It will soon be over," The voice spoke.

The puddle disappeared. Silver stood still in the middle of the room, their back turned towards where Tails was. They looked quite lonely at this point.

Tails stayed hidden for a while as he looked at Silver from a distance. They didn't move or say anything. The glow from their symbols dimmed down and their fur turned a bit lighter.

When Tails was sure they were indeed alone, he silently crept from behind the pedestal, coming closer without making a noise. He felt rather confused by what he had heard and seen, and worried about what would happen.

Silver's ear twitched when Tails made a slight noise. With a swift move Silver turned around and hissed. Their fur turned dark quickly, their blue eyes pierced Tails' and a blue aura appeared as they raised their hands.

But in a split second, Silver's fur turned back to normal and the blue aura disappeared as a clicking sound was heard. Silver blinked their eyes in confusion. With every blink, their eyes turned from yellow to blue until they had their original colour again.

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