Chapter 1>>>

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"Let us always meet each other with the smile, for the smile is the beginning of love." ~ Mother Teresa

Shailene's POV
I wake up and stare at the white ceiling above my bed. I'm a freshman which means it's my first year here in college. I came here to Oxford about five months ago, because I knew I wanted to attend the university they have, it's a great one at that.

I bought an apartment when I got here because I obviously needed a place to live but also so I don't have to live in a dorm.

I slide out from my turquoise tinted sheets and open the curtains to let in some of the morning sunshine. To say that I'm nervous for today would be an understatement, I'm terrified.

I'm in a brand new country, with words we use in America but some with different meanings. Also a brand new school and I'm assuming much harder than the ones I've been at.

I move away from my window and walk towards my bathroom. I hung up my uniform in there yesterday so it was in easy reach after my shower, and that's exactly how it was.

I slip on the navy blue skirt and white blouse, in the form of a tank top for summer purpose's. And I decide not to put the navy blazer on yet, not until I get chilly. I do my make up naturally with just a bit of navy blue to match the outfit and school colors. Then decide to curl my hair loosely and have it fall over my shoulders.

I walk into my bedroom and grab my flats, then my book bag. I take a deep breath to calm myself, knowing that with each passing minute I'm getting closer to having to get there and be with everyone.

I stuff my phone into my purse, first checking that it's on vibrate so it doesn't ring in a class and embarrass the hell out of me. I then sling my purse and book bag over my shoulder, and head out.

"Good Morning Shailene." I hear a man's voice say. I look to see it's my neighbor, I only have one because I'm at the end of the hall.

"Good Morning Mr. Nicolson." I say back with a smile. He's a sixty some year old man, living with three cats and a divorced, retired lawyer.

"Excited to be attending the university?" He asks walking with me.

"Nervous is more like it." I say with a light chuckle. "Aw don't worry. I know many professors there and they are all quite nice." He says trying to deflate my nerves. "Thank you. I hope to get one of them." I say.

"Good luck." He says as we part ways and I'm closer to be there.

I walk out to the parking lot and find my new car. I'm still trying to get used to driving in London, the cars are different and though I thought it'd be an easy change.. It wasn't. I strap in and start it up, trying to continue to take deep breaths. But all I truly want to do is throw up.

I can see signs showing that I'm getting closer and closer, each mile I drive. Which only makes my hands sweat more and my forehead I'm sure are collecting beads of sweat as well.

I see the school up ahead and slowly pull into a parking spot. I see many girls dressed just as I am, and boy in different clothes but same color and logo. I sigh seeing how most of them now each other and are laughing together.. Friendship.

I decide to get out of the car instead of sitting in it and making a worse impression than I know I already will. I close the door and make sure I have all my things, after knowing I do I walk. I walk through the tall front doors and to my left I see the main office where I'll need to get my schedule.

As I open the doors I spot a girl in the corner with her books and things spilled everywhere. I go run over to her and help her. "Here, let me help." I say and she looks up at me. "Thank you. Other people have stopped in but none chose to help me." She tells me.

"I'm Charlotte." She says and extends her hand.

"Shailene." I say accepting it.

"Just moved here a few weeks ago, from North Carolina actually." She says and I thought I sensed an accent, but not an British accent.

"I moved here a few months ago from California." I tell her, and grab the last of her books.

"It's nice to know someone else is new here too." She says and she read my mind.

"I'm a freshman. Are you?" I ask and she nods. "I have to get my schedule." I tell her.

"Me too." She says and we walk up to the front desk together. The woman looks about fifty with a navy pantsuit on, and her brown hair tied into a bun.

"Names?" She asks.

"I'm Shailene Woodley." I say. "Charlotte Martin." Charlotte tells her.

She looks through her folders then hands us our schedules. "What are your classes? "Charlotte asks once we've left the office. "Here." I say holding mine to hers.

"Wow! We have all but one!" She says and points to last period, which is different.

"Will you walk with me to our first class? "I ask nervously. "Are you kidding?? Of course!" She says and I think we'll be friends.

We make it to our lockers and hers is just a few away from mine. I place some things in it then relock it. Charlotte and I start walking to our first class which is Philosophy. And this class is actually cut up into two blocks, one this morning and then one this after noon.

We find the classroom and the door is wide open, students walking freely in, and It's actually quite inviting. We walk in and I'm shocked by how large the room is.

The ceiling above us looks like you could never touch it, and there's so many desks but so much space as well. There's a desk in the front that must belong to the teacher, who at the moment is greeting a boy that just walked in.

"It's huge!" Charlotte whispers to me, astonished. "Yeah, it is." I tell her. You can hear the chatter of students, accents mixing everywhere.

"Morning ladies." A deep British voice says from behind us. We turn and see who I presume to be our teacher standing before us.

He has dark brown hair, that's messy but not in a bad way. Some scruff on his face, thin upper lip and full soft looking lower one. He has chocolate brown eyes, ones that I have to say I've never seen before. He wears a navy blazer with a white dress shirt underneath, and navy slacks.

"Morning." Charlotte says and he smiles small at her. "Morning." I whisper. He looks at me, but it's not a creepy or uncomfortable stare. More of an endearing and welcoming look.

"What are your names?" He asks. "I'm Charlotte." Charlotte says introducing herself, and she shakes the hand the man extended out.

"I'm Shailene." I say and shake the same hand. His hand is much larger than mine, even with a few calloused spots, his hands feel smooth. And a warmth flows through them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He says looking me dead in the eyes. "Both of you." He adds, then smiles and walks over to his desk.

Charlotte and I find seats and sit down. "Did you see the way he looked at you?? "She whispers to me.

"What?" I ask innocently, trying to disguise the fact that I did see it.

"Don't lie. You know the way he looked at you." She says smiling, while getting a notebook from her bag.

The bell rings and thankfully ends this conversation. The man makes it to the center of the room, so everyone is able to see him. That's when I realize my mistake for sitting in the middle if my row. Because he is able to make direct eye contact with me now, and that's what he does.

"Good Morning everyone." He says but only looks at me, at my eyes.

There are few hushed hello's or good morning's, but nothing big.

"I'm Mr. James, I'll be your philosophy teacher. " He tell us, and sends me a small smirk. It takes me off guard at first, but I compose myself as he walks around while talking some more.

Maybe this school won't be half bad after all.

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