Chapter 40>>>

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I'll kiss every scar that's been planted on your heart, and love you for who you are.

Shai's POV

"He's a friend. I swear, why would I cheat on you Damian??" I ask, my mind filled with sudden fear of his anger. His fists are clenched and his face is red. Cheating would be seriously stupid of me, knowing he could kill me if he wanted to.

Hitting the wall as I was backing away from him, I feel a searing pain across my left cheek. My skin on fire from the slap, and hot tears staining my face like brands.

"You lying slut." He spits, his words venom. His breath smelling a little of beer, but he's not drunk. He's just him.

"I'm not lying!" I scream, tears choking my words. But that is till it's his hands around my neck, squeezing as I gasp for a breath--quite possibly my final breath.

Jerking awake, I breathe. The air rushing into my lungs and cooling down my heat.

"Did you have a dream? "I hear Theo ask me, and wanting to avoid having to relive that again I don't answer the question. But ask him one instead. 

"How long have you been up?"

"Not long." He whispers, smiling down at me. God, how can he seem so perfect at any moment.

Theo slowly brings his lips down to mine, kissing me tenderly. I can still faintly smell the soap and cologne he uses, somehow making him seem more masculine.

He pulls away-far too soon- and pushes back some of my fallen strands of hair, that slipped out of my bun. I smile at him, loving when he does that. As his fingertips brush my cheeks lightly, goosebumps run up my arms. The smallest touch from him causes me to have that reaction... it's an addiction I swear. A crave of his touch, his kiss... him.

"What should we do today?" Theo asks, as he sits up. I sit up too, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I don't know, what'd you have in mind?" I question.

He laughs, falling back on the mattress. "Oh, I don't know."

I smile too, biting my bottom lip just a little. And climb onto him, straddling him. Even in the three articles of clothing I'm wearing--which isn't much when it consists of a shirt and undergarments- I don't feel self-conscious. 

Running my hands-which most likely are cold- up and down his chest I can see the goosebumps rise on his arms. "Let's just stay in bed." I suggest, feeling playful and a little bit adventurous.

"We could do that." Theo says, just before I kiss him. This time harder and more demanding than the light morning kiss from earlier.

I can feel his fingers not only holding my cheek--sending what feels like bolts of electricity through my skin, but I can feel the tangle through my hair. I love that, being able to almost feel him hold every part of me.

Whenever I kiss him, it's like a time machine back to when we kissed for the very first time. The feel of his lips the same soft and impassioned. Our kisses in the beginning were fleeting, but now they could last for hours if we let them.

I pull him closer to me by wrapping my arms around his neck, pushing my fingers into his dark chocolate curls

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I pull him closer to me by wrapping my arms around his neck, pushing my fingers into his dark chocolate curls. The heat from making out, and just our body temperatures mixing cause the air around us to become warmer than it was.

"I love you." Theo whispers against my lips, he looks me in my eyes by pulling back a little. I smile at him but them kiss him again. The longing for the taste and feel of his lips to powerful to last second without.

He slips his strong arms around my waist and rolls us over. So he now hovers above me, and gives me the opportunity to wrap my legs around his torso. Holding each other tightly.

His hands run up and down my side, and gently slide up my shirt. The feel of his hands on my skin... again sending me chills and landing butterflies into my stomach.Having a feeling of where this is all going, I go ahead and take my shirt off. Leaving myself in my bra and underwear, Theo's seen my like this.. in just this. But today feels different than all of those other times.

So deep in this kiss, I'm caught off when Theo pulls back and looks at me.

"Shai, we can stop you know." He lets me know, almost concerned. He knows just as well as I do that this is all going to lead to sex, that this morning is the time. And he's concerned I'll regret it.

That makes me laugh softly, at how sweet he is in the sense that he always wants to make sure I'm comfortable.

"Theo, I'm sure okay." I tell him, smiling up at him before he comes down to kiss me again.

I reach down to the cotton strings of Theo's grey sweatpants, and untie them. Hinting to him to take them off. And he does. Soon it's my turn again, as he unclasps my bra. Sliding the straps down my arms, slowly and softly.

I pull away to look at him, his face, his eyes. I need to see what he feels about seeing me like this, almost all bare and vulnerable. He asked me if I was sure, if I was ready... but what about him? Is he sure to do this with me, after seeing what I have to offer... does he want out??

But when he whispers "You're so beautiful." All those fears, all those nerves... disappear.

His lips suck at my neck, leaving a trail of love bites an butterfly kisses. "I love you." I breathe out, as a moan escapes me. Us both out of the last piece of fabric separating us, Theo and I both completely bare.

Theo releases his lips from my skin, and hovers above my face. Most men would take the opportunity to look lower, at my breasts and even farther down. But Theo... he looks me straight in the eyes. With love and affection.

I think that's one of the things that causes me to fall more and more in love with him, with each passing day.

"I love you too." He whispers in my ear, and rests his head in the crook of his neck. His soft curls touching my cheek, and his breath warming the back of my neck.

"You okay? You ready?" He asks me and without having to think about it... I respond.


Shutting my eyes as the pain begins, the feeling of him now touches everywhere. There isn't a place on me that he hasn't loved, hasn't left untouched.

As the pain turns to pleasure, our moans fill the room. And I can feel my hands scratch his back at some points, probably to turn up red marks later.

It feels as if this moment could last forever, this feeling of euphoria with him.

But as minutes upon minutes pass, we finish. And pull back slightly to breathe again. I sit up, draping the sheet over me I look at him.

"Was--was I okay?" I ask, probably stupid for asking a question like that.

"Baby, you were amazing." He tells me with a slight laugh, tucking hair that has fallen behind my ear. I smile at him, looking at the man I just had sex with. But it wasn't sex. It was the love we share being brought to the highest level. The commitment of this becoming more and more important.

And has me thinking now that maybe meeting him... was fate. 

A/N: Hey all!! So I wanted to add here, that Shai's on birth control. ;) just thought i'd tell you. But I hope you like the chapter, I wanted to have the first sex between them to be written by both pov's in two different chapters. To see how they both experienced it.

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