Chapter 31>>>

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Someone who really loves you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you are to handle, but still wants you in their lives.

Theo's POV

Shailene fall asleep earlier tonight, in bed by nine. I chose to stay up a little later, just to relax more and to think.

Seeing her so stressed today, was really the first time I'd seen her like that to be honest. She looked, and was so overwhelmed. And as much as I wanted to swoop in and take it all from her, I couldn't. I couldn't do anything to help, except just being there for her.

Staring out at cold December sky, on our snow covered balcony thoughts flood my mind. Ranging from Shailene and all she's struggling with, and then to myself. My job, my life. I guess really everything swarms in my head.

I thought the fresh air would clear it all, but maybe it's just freezing it into my brain.

"Theo?" I hear a soft voice say, making me turn and spot Shai in the doorway to the rooftop.

"Did I wake you?" I ask walking over to her. She still looks half asleep to be truthful, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, as she stands there in her pajamas.

"No. I just can't sleep." She says, running a hand through her hair, pushing it to the side.

"Let's go inside, I'll lay down with you." I tell her, gathering her into my arms trying to keep the cold from getting to her.

Walking inside I shut the door tightly, hoping to keep heat from escaping. Then walk Shailene back to the bedroom, watching her sit on the corner of the bed as I get ready to change.

She looks like she could fall asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow, but I know that it can also be mistaken for just being overtired.

Once in a pair of red sweatpants, I lay down- shirtless since that's how I sleep.

Pulling the navy comforter over us, I pull her closer to me. Feeling her arms snake around me, and my own arm instantly tightens around her waist. Kissing the top of her head I can faintly smell the shampoo she used, leaving a sweet tone to her hair.

"I love you." I hear her mumble, Shai's eyes shut tight and her breaths starting to even. Her head resting just under my heart, and that's how we fall asleep. Holding each other close and falling asleep to the sound of each other's heartbeats.


"Oh come on, It'll be fun." She exclaims, her hands flying into the air, and the wind blowing her teal colored dress.

"I have to get back to the school, I have-"

"Papers to grade, I know." She says, a sassiness coming into her words.

I stare at her for a moment, feeling like I won't win this one.

"Ten minutes." I say caving into her.

She takes my hand and begins to run, causing me to pick up my pace as well.

"What are we even doing here??" I ask, looking around at the green and light pink scenery.

"To watch the sunset silly." She tells me, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"We watch it all the time, what makes this place different than say our balcony?" I question, as we slow down-beginning to walk again.

"Because. This is the place you proposed." She says, and instantly everything changes. The feeling of needing to work leaves. All that's left is her, my need to be with her right now.

She runs ahead of me, plopping down in the bright green field, with a huge view to watch the sun go down. As if a big movie screen. The sky once blue, a now pink and orange color.

I take a seat next to her, and she climbs into my lap. I take her hands in mine, and my finger grazes over the silver ring, with the small diamond. Without having to look down, or even say anything... I know in that moment, we're both smiling. Taking in not only the view but this moment.

Because that's all that matters right now.


I wake to my alarm clock blaring at me, and look down to see that Shai's still sleeping. I get up earlier than her, to get ready but also catch up with any work I need to do before I arrive to the school.

Shutting it off, and sliding out of bed careful not to wake her. I make it to the bathroom, getting ready to shower. But that dream, I just can't shake off. It was too real, too powerful.

As if it was all real.

Maybe one day, I can't help but think. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I see a middle aged man. A man with what seems like everything, a job, a loving family, a wonderful home, and a beautiful girlfriend. But a part of me feels like there needs to be something more, maybe I'm just greedy. But maybe its the idea of wanting a wife, a family of my own at this age.

And someday, in the future, I hope it's with her. Because I wouldn't want it with anyone else.

A/N: Short and just kind of a lovey chapter. Saw Allegiant today, what did you all think?? Likes... dislikes??? I have to say that every Four scene was perfection, and my favorite! :) I'll write a review later on, but tell me what you all thought?? What you'd change, add... what you loved!

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