Chapter 12>>>

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I want to get there and have her come with me, without any hesitation or contemplation. I want to run to her as fast as I can, and when I reach her never let her go.

Theo's POV
The school day drags on longer than usual, way longer. Not even just the fact that she isn't here in class, but because I don't know where she is. There could be dozens of hospitals in Simi Valley, how could I find the right one.

Then there's the other thing of getting there- flying and finding where she is- then getting the 'stay away from me' speech. Or something closely related.

I sigh as the last class of the day is almost done, thank god. The bell rings and everyone packs up and drops their done assignments in the basket on my desk. Once the last student has left I take my cell phone out.

"Theodore!! What a surprise!" My mother says in joy.

"It's Theo mum." I mutter. "Don't mumble dear. Now what did you call about?" She says and I almost laugh, she's in mum mode 24/7.

"I need advice." I say. Without even having to see her, I can tell she's smirking.

"Well what's the topic!?" She questions impatiently. "Oh yeah. Um, it's.. a.. girl.." I say slowly, not really knowing how to say it.

"Oh my lord! Finally the day has come! My baby's asking me for dating advice! " Mum exclaims and I laugh.

"Who is she??" "Well, we were never officially together, but we liked each other. And then this morning she left. Saying she doesn't know what she's doing and didn't want to drag me into that." I explain.

"But now I don't know if I should go after her or.." I add.

"Theo honey, love is it's own separate universe. The rules are different and the stakes are higher." She says.

"Love isn't necessarily about finding someone who you could see yourself with. But rather finding someone you can't see yourself without." She tells me.

"If that's her, then there's your answer. If not, there's the other answer." She adds.

"Thanks mum." I say. "Anytime dear, and Theo?" "Hmm?" I ask.

"Tell me how it goes." She says and I know she's smiling.

"I will. Bye." I say hanging up.

And the next thing I know, I'm on a flight to Simi Valley.


It's her car. I park in the empty space next to it, and exit my vehicle. I'm sweating buckets and shaking repeatedly. I take deep breaths as I enter the hospital, hoping that it'll calm me. But it makes it worse.

I take the elevator up a few floors till I reach the floor where they keep comatose patients. It's along shot of finding her, but I hope that I do. Even just for a second or two. "Hi, um Tanner Woodley?" I ask the lady at the front desk. "Are you family sir? " She questions. "Yes. I'm his uh.. his uncle." I tell her.

"Room 12C." She says, her tone telling me that she's leery of me.

I thank her and walk the hallways. There's a small rectangular window on the door when I find the room number. I peek in and there she is. Sitting in a chair by the edge of her brother's bed. I take another deep breath before I open the door.

I twist the knob and walk in. She stands and her eyes grow at the sight of me, and her mouth drops slightly. "Theo.." She breathes out in shock.

"Hi Shai." I say stupidly. Smacking myself from the inside.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" She asks looking back behind her, then back to me.

"I needed to see you. I know that this is crazy and maybe a bit creepy." I say and her eyes shift a little in agreeance to the creepy part. I sigh.

"I just needed to see you, and tell you that I need you in my life." I say.

"Can we talk in the alley just outside?" She asks biting her fingernail. She's probably worried someone will come in and see, or hear.

"Yeah sure." I say and open the door for her. She nods a thank you and let me tell you... One of the most awkward elevator rides ever.

We get outside and it's around night time now. We walk into the alley like she said, lit up with a few street lights. "I need you in my life okay." I tell her and she doesn't shy away from looking me in the eye.

"I know that you don't want to lead me on or get into something that your not sure about. So I'm just speaking my mind." I tell her. "Shai, I like you. So much." I say, my heart pouring out.

"I know you felt something. Even if you deny it, I saw it in your eyes." I tell her, remembering that little twinkle in her eyes.

"I just want you to know that you matter to me, okay. But if this is scaring you, or if you're tempted to get a restraining order.. Well you're not the first." I say and she laughs. "But seriously, I'll leave you." I add.

"Don't." She rushes to say. She looks back up at my face.

"I know that I ran, and I'm sorry. I was just.. scared I guess." Shai says and I soften more than I already had.

"But I'm not anymore." She says.

"I know what I want." Shai adds stepping closer to me.

"What do you want?" I ask, our faces inches away.

"This." And with that she presses her lips to mine. Locking our lips and wrapping our arms around each other. Trying to fill any space in between us. I press her back gently against the brick wall and she brings my face closer- if that's even possible.

She smells of some sort of mint- mixed with a hint of sweetness. The feel of her giving me all I've been needing, and the feel of her lips giving me life again.

She pulls back to get air and to look in my eyes. "You came after me." She whispers ending the silence drifting to us.

"Yeah, I had to. I couldn't let the thing I love slip away." I say and she smiles. "I'm glad you did." Shai tells me before kissing me again.

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