Chapter 13>>>

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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss

Shai's POV
I keep tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. I sit up frustrated and tired. I see that it's almost midnight, but my mind is still fully awake. It's like my brain downed energy drinks, and is now swarming with thoughts.

It's been three days since Theo came to me, and we flew back here. I got a couple days off school and now it's the weekend, well Friday. I haven't seen or spoken to Theo in three days as well, but his words still echo in my mind.

"I need you in my life okay."

I've never had someone say that out of love, especially not a man.

"I know you felt something. Even if you deny it, I saw it in your eyes."

It's true, it was in my eyes. It was in all of me. I felt something, something I'd never felt before. Like my heart was to burst and butterflies were always present inside me.

But the thing that struck me the most, the thing that showed me that he truly cared didn't come from words. It came from the fact that he found me, and came after me. It's like how a prince comes to get his princess, sweeping her off her feet.

I'm no princess, not even close. And this world isn't some fairytale, where the poor maid gets a fairy god mother. Or where the princess is awaken by a kiss. Nothing like that happens here, you're lucky to get a kiss on the first date and if you're able to decide on a decent outfit for the date- without being late.

I sit up, leaning against my headboard. It's dead quiet, and the only small peak of light comes from the moon shinning through my blinds. I grab my phone, turning it on again. I tap his number and my thumb hovers the 'call' button, for I don't know how long.

I finally lower my thumb and ringing fills the silence in my room.

"Hello?" His voice has sleep echoing in it.

"Hi Theo." I say.

"Shai? What's wrong? "He asks, somewhat more alert but still groggy.

"Nothings wrong, I can't sleep. And I was just... um wondering.. if I could maybe... come over?" I ask biting my lip.

"Sure, yeah come on over. Do you want me to come pick you up or-" I cut him off.

"No, I can drive." I say. "Alright. I'll see you in a few." He says and I hang up.

I get up and change into some denim shorts and a pull over grey hoodie. Pulling my hair into a messy bun and grabbing my flip flops. I can sleep in the tank top I have under my hoodie, and my underwear when I get there.

I grab my phone and keys, heading down to the parking lot. I get in and start to drive. Since it's the middle of the night, not many cars are out. And not many lights are on in businesses. It's actually peaceful.

I turn on the radio while waiting at a red light.

Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo-doo-mmm

Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm

Just dance, gonna be okay, d-d-d-dance

Dance, dance, just, j-j-just

When I come through on the dance floor checkin' out that catalog

Can't believe my eyes, so many women without a flaw

And I ain't gon' give it up, steady tryin' to pick it up like a car

I'ma hit it, I'ma hit it and flex and do it until tomorr' yeah

I reach Theo's apartment complex and turn everything off after parking. I get out and for some reason I feel really weird walking in here. I pass the man in the lobby, who looks like he'll fall asleep at any given moment.

I take the elevator up, all the way up. The hallways are silent and it seems like it should be eerie or creepy... But oddly it's not.

I go to his door and it's really the only door on this level, since only he has the penthouse. I knock softly and it opens almost instantly. Theo stands there, looking more awake than he sounded on the phone. He's shirtless, so I have to peel my eyes away from his toned chest. He's wearing plaid pajama pants and a smile.

"I'm sorry I woke you." I say walking in.

"Don't be. I haven't seen or heard from you in a few days so it was a nice surprise." Theo says closing his door.

"You remember where everything is right?" He asks and I nod. For a huge apartment, it's neat and organized. If I had an apartment this large, it'd be a pig sty.

"I can take the couch if you want, or come sleep in bed with you." Theo offers, and I like how he thinks about my feelings before his.

"You can sleep in bed with me." I say. I'd feel awful to kick him out of his own bed, when I'm the woman who called close to midnight, waking him up.

He nods, and we start walking that way. "I put some extra things in the bathroom for you, toothbrush, hairbrush, and my sister keeps um... lady things here if you need them." He says and I laugh at how uncomfortable he is talking about 'that'

"Thank you." I say and he nods. It's dark in his room, no lights on but then again the moonlight shines through his glass windows.

"I can close them if you want." He says from bed. "Oh, no. I was just looking. It's got to be a great view to have everyday." I say taking my shorts off and slipping in next to him.

"Yeah, it can be. But sometimes it can get too invasive." Theo explains and I nod, seeing where he's coming from there.

"Let's see if you can fall asleep now huh?" Theo asks turning his head to the side to look at me. I nod and look at him too.

We lay down, and Theo gathers me in his arms. "This okay?" He asks and I nod leaning as far back into him as I can.

"Goodnight Shai, sweet dreams." He whispers before sleep takes me.

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