Chapter 25>>>

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Thinking about you makes me smile. Seeing you gives me butterflies. Talking about you gives goosebumps. Being around you lets me know that its ok to fall in love.

Theo POV
I wake the next morning to an emptiness in my bed, my arms not holding anything and no beauty to see first thing. I sit up faster than I'm normally able to right when I wake up.

I jump out of bed, grabbing a grey t-shirt and some red plaid pajama bottoms and run down the stairs. Rushing downstairs, I land with a loud thud at the bottom of the stairs.

"THEODORE!" I hear my mum yell, making me close my eyes, mentally cursing.

"Do you have to make so much bloody noise?! Your father and brothers aren't up yet. Along with a young child!" She scolds, walking up to me wiping flour on her apron she wears.

"Sorry mum. Have you seen Shai??" I ask frantically, brushing off the fact that I just got yelled at.

I watch as my mother smirks, and places her hands on her hips. "She's in the living room with your sisters."

I sigh a sigh of relief and walk that way. Stopping when I hear their voices.

"Oh she was no good. Always thought that!" I hear Jess's voice say.

"I agree. She seemed possessive of Theo, in a bad way I mean." Anna says.

"She couldn't have been too bad. I mean they were together for so long." I hear Shai's voice, and my body calms down.

"She took advantage of him." Jess says.

They're talking girl stuff... that's for sure.

"I always thought that he stayed with her because he felt more stable when he had someone with him." Anna says.

"But he had all of you." Shai says. "Yes, but it was different. I think he also wanted to have someone to love." Jess cuts in.


"Now he has that in you. And I think this time... it's more serious." Anna says, making me smile.

"Oh I don't kno-" "Believe us Shailene. We can tell. We know our brother, and he has love sick puppy written all over his face!" Jess tells her, making them all break out into giggles.

I walk in, knowing that it's a good time.

"Speak of the devil." Jess says, noticing me first.

"Morning to you too sunshine." I say sarcastically.

"I'm going to go check on Lily. I sent her to get dressed twenty minutes ago." Jess says standing up, and taking her tea with her.

Anna gets up too, saying that she needs to eat. Again-- since she's eating for two.

"Morning." Shai says when I sit next to her on the couch.

"Morning love." I say kissing her check.

"I hope I didn't, I don't know, worry you this morning. Since I wasn't there when you woke up." She says making me chuckle lightly.

"What?" Shai asks. "I was. Just a little." I tell her and she leans into my chest.

"What have you girls been talking about all morning? Were they revealing embarrassing childhood stories of me to you?" I ask and she sits up again.

Shai laughs, "No. Well.. maybe a few."

"Oh man. Like what??" I ask, but I watch her pretend to seal her lips.

"Not telling." Shai says standing, and skipping out of the room.

I go after her, watching her skip around our large house in a silk lavender nightgown and one of my large navy sweaters. Barefoot like always and grinning like an idiot. But then again... I'm grinning like on too.

I run after her, chasing her from room to room. Till I finally catch her in my arms, in the sunroom.

My arms holding her waist tightly, feeling her laugh against my chest. I look down at her, and at the very same moment she look up at me.

Looking into my eyes and then at my lips, as if a hint to kiss her. So I do. Dipping down I press my lips to hers, knowing she used lip balm this morning when I can taste mint.

Shai pulls back and looks into my eyes once again. "I love you." She says simply.

And before I can tell her 'I love you too', she wraps her arm around my neck. Pulling me forward a bit, and placing her lips back firmly on mine.

A/N: Hey all! I know it's not the longest or the best chapter. But I hope you like it. And I know that you're probably tired of me asking and telling you... but I have another account that I'd love for you guys to check out! hopelessromantic_1

Also... I have two new stories out!! Super excited about them! Please check those out too and read!! Thank you and luv to all!❤️

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