Chapter 5>>>

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I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you. -Dirty Dancing

Shailene's POV
School again, and a gloomy day out today. The sky is grey and it's a waiting game for the rain, the clouds hold such sadness and sorrow. The breeze worsening the feel out, the warmness of summer barely there anymore. The sun hidden away, and everyone hoping that it will return.

I'm at my locker, with Charlotte and Christian talking to me. "What was he like.. not in a teacher mode??" Charlotte asks, and I stupidly made the mistake of telling her about my ride with Mr. James.

"He's just like a regular guy, now can we please not talk about it. Or at least not here." I plead, shutting my locker.

"Fine. But you're telling me more after school." She says and Chris laughs at her enthusiasm.

We part ways, Charlotte and I heading to philosophy- second block. People are scattered everywhere and have a bit more energy since lunch was just a little while ago. We walk in and Mr. James is writing something at his desk, and kids are everywhere chatting and texting.

"Go talk to him." She says and I ignore her, taking my seat. "Come on, I know he likes you." She pushes. She may be right, but it's not like it would ever work. He's my teacher.. and I'm so much younger.

"We could never be together." I tell her and I'm surprised that that shut's her up.

"Do you even know how old he is?" Charlotte asks, and her perkiness has decreased.

"No." "Go ask, I mean then you'll know." She suggests, and my feet start walking before my mind has time to think. I'm up at his desk when my mind get fully with it, and color floods to my cheeks.

"Afternoon Shai. What can I do for you?" Mr. James asks looking up from his paper work.

"I umm.." I begin to stutter and I'm way past embarrassed by now.

"What is it?" He asks and concern enters his tone, which is new.

"I had kind of a silly stupid question." I tell him.

"Nonsense, what is it?" He has a smile on his face, and I feel comfortable enough to ask him.

"How old are you?" I ask and look down immediately. "How is that a stupid question?" He asks and I look up, confused at this.

"Because I hardly know you and you're not really supposed to ask people that." I explain.

He chuckles lightly, and stand up- class starting soon. "I'm thirty." Mr. James says and I nod.

I start walking back to my seat as he walks up to the whiteboard. He surely doesn't look like a thirty year old man, I mean how is that possible with his looks. But that's not the real thing bothering me.. It's the fact that it's a twelve year difference in age. Now that would be a reason why we could never be together.

But this feeling in my gut, my mind, and worst of all... In my heart, hasn't gone away. It's powerful too.

The bell rings and makes me jump, so in my own thoughts that I forgot about class. "Afternoon everyone." Mr. James greets.

"I passed out some papers already, and I need you all to fill them out. I'll collect them after class." He says and we all get started. I see him walk out of the room for a moment, probably to get something.

"So?" Charlotte asks me and I turn to her. She's looking at me anxiously, her eyes lit up with curiosity.

"He said that he was thirty." I tell her, and her curiosity turns to confusion. "Seriously?" She asks.

I nod, "At least you know he's not married." She adds, and giggles. "Charlotte, he may not be married but how do we know he's not engaged or dating someone??" I question her.

"Ms. Woodley, please keep working." I hear Mr. James's voice say and I look up. Seeing him standing at his desk, I blush wildly. I hadn't realized he came back in.

Charlotte turns back to her papers as well, and I try to keep my head down for the reminder of the class.

The bell saves me, the forty five minutes over with and I'm finally free to go. My humiliation hopefully staying in the classroom.

I'm about to walk out the door, my bag slung over my shoulder when someone grab my arm-lightly. A familiar touch, one I've felt once before. I turn my head to see Mr. James, everyone else has exited and he pulls me back. "Shai," He begins and I'm nervous I'll be getting some type of punishment for my talking in class.

"I'm sorry about class, I didn't mean to be an annoyance." I tell him. "Really don't worry about it. And that's not what I wanted to talk to you about." He says, and although I'm confused I'm intrigued. "What is it?" I ask, trying to swallow my nerves.

He clears his voice before telling me. "Earlier, when you asked me that question." He starts and I knew it was a mistake to ask him that. "I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry." I tell him. He shakes his head, "No, it's not that." He adds with a light chuckle.

"Then what?" I ask slowly. "When you said that you hardly knew me and that you don't really ask people that.." Mr. James says, and there's something in his voice but I can't distinguish what.

"Yeah.." I say more question than statement. "I.. I'd like to get to know you better." He says and these words stun me.

"How come?" I ask, wanting to know why me. "Like you said, we hardly know each other. But I'd like to know you." He says and butterflies come into my stomach, and I've never had these ones. I look down at my feet and then up again, my eyes meeting his dark brown ones.

"Why me? Or is it something you do with all your students?" I ask, and he smiles small. "No, it's not. It's because I want to know more about you, and I've noticed that you're different." Mr. James says and it's impossible to not notice the smirk on his face.

"Different... good, or different bad?" I ask. "I don't know yet. But I'm thinking good." He says and I surprise myself by laughing.

I nod, "Okay." I say and start walking out the door.

I turn around once more, and he looks at me smiling a little. "Later Shai." He says.

"Later Theo." I tell him and leave without another word.

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