Chapter 17>>>

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Semi Mature themes....

Every time she laughs, she hopes he's watching. Hoping that he will fall for her smile, just as hard as she fell for his.

Shai's POV
The club is lit up by colorful yet blinding lights, adding to heat in every room. It reeks of alcohol, and  perfumes and colognes mixing. With sweat and smoke adding another level of smells.

"God it's crowded." Theo comments, and has to almost yell over the blaring music.

"Well yeah, it's a club with heavy drinkers and dancers. Of course it'll be crowded." I tell him, as we find our way through the mass of people everywhere.

I think I hear him laugh, but with the noise level in here, I can't be sure. We finally get to the bar and by now... I really need a drink.

We order and wait on the bartender, looking around at all the kinds of people in this place.

The people who just need to find a fuck, and those looking for love. The people in need of a drink and those in need of loosing themselves into the music. Those coming with their friends, and those with a date.

"Do you come to clubs often?" I ask turning in my seat to face Theo.

He sets his beer down, "No. Now bars, I'm a college teacher so I visit those quite frequently." He jokes and I laugh.

"Do you like dancing?" I ask. "So we're playing the question game now are we??" He jokes again.

"I don't know. I'm not a huge dancer but I'm not against it." Theo answers, taking another sip of his beer. Watching the liquid move in the glass bottle, and seeing him gulp it down.

He obviously doesn't have a problem with the burn of alcohol, but I however... wince with every drink. It's not that I don't like to drink, I'm just not as familiar or used to it yet.

"What about you??" Theo asks, knocking me out of my daze.

I shrug. "Not my best environment, but I don't dislike it. And dancing, I guess I've just never had a partner." I tell him honestly.

There's a silence between us, until Theo speaks up again.

"Then let's change that." He says and stands up. I set my drink down as well and grab the hand he's holding out.

"Do you know how to dance?" I yell over the gradually increasing sound of the music. Getting louder as we near the dance floor.

"No." Theo says simply and I laugh.

We get on the busy, lit up dance floor and start feeling the beat of the music.

"Then lord help us." I joke placing a hand on his chest, feeling the vibration of his laughter.

"I can't be that bad." Theo reasons and I smile up at him.

He grabs my hand and all of a sudden turns me, spinning me around and around. I'm a mixture of laughter and tumbling. When I meet back with his eyes, I can't stop laughing. "See, I'm not that bad." Theo says proudly, wearing his signature smirk.


We've been here for about two hours, and the clock just hit midnight. My legs and feet are honestly starting to ache but I don't want to stop dancing. I can't quite remember how much I've had to drink, I know that Theo's only has three and for him he's not even tipsy.

"I need to step out for a minute. I need a bit of fresh air." I tell Theo as we're walking to the smaller bar they have closer to the dance floor.

"Okay. Text me if you need help or something." He says, asking the bartender for another beer.

"Help getting air?? Theo I'll be fine." I tell him and kiss his cheek.

I walk through and past the crowds of people, seeming like the number has grown since ten minutes ago-- and it probably has.

I reach the front door and am met by a cool breeze, feeling great on my burning and sweating skin. I walk over to a small sidewalk on the side of the building, getting out of the way of any people getting in. The smell of the chilly fresh air feels like it's cleaning me from all the smells inside there.

I lean against the brick wall and let the coolness of the dark night air soak into my skin.

I'm a bit foggy but I know I'm not drunk.

"Hey." I hear a voice and turn my head to look down that dark alley that is connected to the sidewalk I'm standing on. I'm feet away from both the club and the alleyway.

A figure walks closer to me and emerges from the pitch blackness.

He's a male, mid twenties at least. Dark black hair and light blue eyes. He wears a white shirt and a leather jacket, with almost black blue jeans. As he steps closer to me I can smell the alcohol, and what I'm thinking is pot on him.

"What's your name beautiful?" The man asks and his accent is British but nothing close to as deep as Theo's. 

"What's it to you?" I snap, getting annoyed with his presence.

"Whoa, feisty one eh?" He asks and I don't have time to think before I'm being rammed into the brick wall. My face feeling like it just broke in half.

I moan in pain but am soon muffled by his filthy hand covering it. I thought being rammed into a brick wall would be the worst of it, boy was I wrong. I'd love to rammed into it a million more times than what he began to do next.

I feel his other hand make it's way into my pants, hovering over my underwear in 'that' area.

I'm facing the wall and he's dragged me a bit into the darkness of the alley, even though it's dark anywhere now. I feel the coolness going there, sending chills and Goosebumps through me, but the warmness of this mans hand take them away- in the worst feeling way. 

I struggle against his grip but the more I do, the more he tightens his hand around my mouth and kicks my legs.

His hands dives under my underwear and that's when I loose it all the way,  the tears pouring out and screaming into the hand that's holding me here.

I can hear him breathing in my ear and small snickers making their way from his mouth. He rips my panties to the side and pain fills my lower abdomen. I'm crying for him to stop, but even my self can't tell what I'm saying into this man's dirty hand.

He rips his fingers out and I hear a zipper, that's when I know that all this is really happening. But that's also when I hear something else too.

"Shailene??" The deep British voice brings me hope and a sense of safety.

"Shai??" The voice gets closer. But the man's hand moves to cover both my mouth and nose, cutting off my ways to get air.

I struggle more and more as the world seems to sink around me, and the voice gets closer.

"Oh My God Shai!" Theo says and air flows into me as the hands removed. I'm a big, bloody, crying mess when I turn around. I see Theo tackling the guy to the ground and punching the living daylights out of the man.

When the man who assaulted me is out, Theo stands and rushes to my aid.

He doesn't speak, and I don't speak. He wraps me in his arms and cry into his chest, as his hand soothingly rubbing my back.  I don't know how long we stand there until Theo pulls back and takes his phone out, calling the police I presume.

Everything feels and looks differently right now, never in a million years did I think I'd be sexually assaulted.

I guess the ones who never think that it can happen to them or don't see it coming... Are the next victims.

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