Chapter 9>>>

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"The sight of her eyes, keep my dreams alive." -6568106

Theo's POV
Seven fifty seven... Three minutes till Shailene should be here. Even though the truth of my feelings are now out there, and even with the fact that she's been to my home before... I still feel incredibly nervous. I've been taking deep breaths and running my hands through my hair for the past hour. Probably messing it up-- For sure messing it up.

I walk back in, coming from the balcony. Exiting the lost feeling I get when I stare into the open sky, with only twinkles of light. I see that the clock now reads Eight, and that only adds to the sweating of my palms.

There's a soft knock at my door and I walk quickly to the door. I compose myself to the best of my ability before opening. Once I do, it reveals her... in a simple yet beautiful light baby blue dress. She smiles and I can't tell if I'm even smiling back because my nerves are overpowering my thoughts.

"Hi." Her voice enters the air, striking me with bliss.

"Hi." I say back to her and let her in.

Shai walks past me, sending a whiff of lavender my way. "How are you?" I ask.

"I'm alright." She says. We walk out to my rooftop, and she takes a seat on one of the couches.

"I did forget my homework though.." She says smirking and I laugh.

"Well, how did that happen young lady." I tease and she giggles. I take a seat next to her, and she turns her head my way. Her hair flying from the small breeze out here. She tucks some behind her ear in hopes that it'll stay.

"What's it like to live here, in a home like this?" Shai asks curiously. Looking around, then looking back to me- making me remember that she asked me a question.

"Umm.. it can get lonely at times. But other times it's real private and peaceful." I tell her.

She nods, but doesn't turn her head away. "Tell me more about you." Shailene says, causing me to let out a light laugh. "What do you want to know?"

"I don't know. What other things do you like to do?" She clarifies. She leans on her left hand, her thumb and index finger playing with the small diamond stud in her earlobe.

"I like music." I tell her. "Really? I knew you said that you played piano, but do you play other instruments?" Shai asks very engaged into what I'm saying.

"Yeah. Guitar, and piano, a few other things, but for the most part guitar and piano. And I like to sing." I say and her face lights up even more.

"Can you sing a song for me?" Shai asks and I didn't even realize that she had scooted closer to me.

"Of course!" I tell her, a grin spreading on my face. I grab her hand in mine, and pull her in with me.

Once in the sitting area, I go to the piano as Shai finds a seat. I love seeing the excitement in her face, the anticipation to hear me. I take a seat at the bench and for once I'm nervous. Never have I been hesitant when playing/singing, but now.. for her I am.

(Song above: Hold on... By: Shel and Garth Dunlop)

I've been listenin' to the silence, hoping that the time would move you, I put my faith in your promise, that you'd be here soon,

Don't doubt it darlin', the stars may be fallin', I'm still coming for youI can hear your whisper, every doubt screams where are you, and every moment waiting makes the day, harder to get trough

Don't give up darlin', the stars may be fallin', I'm still coming for you

Hold on

Hold just a little longer

Hold on

Hold just a little longer

Hold on

I can swear I feel you, every time I lay my head down, nothing but restless sleepless, long nights now

Don't lose hope darlin', the stars may be fallin'

I'm still coming for you

Hold on

Hold just a little longer

Hold on

Hold just a little longer

Hold on

Don't doubt it darlin'

I'm holdin' on

Don't give up darlin'

I'm holdin' on

Don't lose hope darlin'

I'm holdin', hold, hold

Hold on

Hold just a little longer

Hold on

Hold just a little longer

Hold on

Hold just a little longer

Hold on

Hold just a little longer

Hold on

By the end of the song, Shai's by my side on the bench. Her right arms is looped into my left one, her head leaning on my shoulder. I take my fingers of the keys and enjoy the silence following, the presence of her and the environment we're in right now.

"That was beautiful." Shai says,, finally speaking. I can't help but smiling, "Thanks." Is all I can manage out, or even think of to reply.

I can feel her gaze on me, her eyes looking to me. She's probably waiting for me to say something, I am too. But no words come. It's whenever I'm around her, my mind is a blank endless space.

She sighs, adding a small smile at the end of it. She stands and I watch her get up. "I better get going." Shai simply says. And then something comes to mind, except I say it before thinking... again.

"You can stay the night." I tell her. Then shutting my eyes add "If you want..." I begin sweating again, this is big.. something maybe too big.

"Well.. I.." She stutters. "Neverm--" "I'll stay." Shai tell me, cutting off what I was going to say.

"Really?" I ask and she nods, smiling shyly.

"I'll need clothes though.." She reminds me.

"I have stuff for you to wear for bed, and tomorrow you can use some of my sister's clothes. She leaves some here when she crashes here for a visit." I explain, knowing that Jessica is probably her size.

"Thank you." Shai says. It's amazing what the sound of the voice you've been longing to hear can do to your heart. (Quote: Colleen Hover)

I lead her to my oversized closet and she looks around in awe. "It's huge!" She exclaims and I laugh.

"Sometimes a little too big." I say and she laughs too. "You can wear what you want from in here, and I can show you my sister's clothes in the morning." I tell her.

She turns to face me. I'm leaning against the closet entrance, hands in my pocket. "Thank you. For all this I guess." She says and I like how she's able to keep eye contact, at the times when it truly matters.

"You're welcome." I begin, walking over to her. Lightly taking her hands in mine, pulling her closer to me. "And you deserve this, and hey. The girl who is literally 'the girl of my dreams' should get something like this." I say to her and I don't even have to lean in.

She stands on her tippy toes and presses her lips to mine. Like sealing a love letter.

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