Chapter 30>>>

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It's easy to take your clothes off and have sex. People do it all the time, but opening up your soul to someone, letting them into your spirit, thoughts, fears, hopes, dreams... that is being naked.

Shai POV

I close my locker, pulling my bag over my shoulder and my books closer to my chest. It's been another week, and last week we celebrated Christmas. Most times I'd spend it with Tanner and my mother, but this year I spent it with Theo.

Today on our first Monday back to school, hanging around my neck is the silver heart locket that Theo got me for the holiday. Inside is engraved with a S+T, and whenever I open it and see those letters I can't help but smile.

Walking to my first class, Charlotte catches up with me in the halls.

"Shai!" She yells, and runs to walk with me.

"Hi Charlotte." I say, smiling.

"I haven't seen you much, I mean I know we had break but I feel that we ain't very close anymore." Charlotte says, her accent seeping into her words.

"Oh, yeah. Well we should hang out soon." I say, smiling a small but genuine smile.

"For sure." She says, putting her phone on silent and into her back pocket.

"That's a beautiful necklace! Where'd you get it?" Charlotte asks, as we walk up the stairs.

"Oh, um it was a gift. For Christmas." I say, having a hard time not only picking the right words but having a hard time lying to my friend.

"Well I like it."

We finally get to class and take our seats, Theo stands at his desk reviewing some notes before the bell rings. He's back to wearing his suits, today wearing a black one with a red shirt underneath. This morning I was the one to help him with his black tie, so watching him today feels very different. Knowing that in hours I'll be at home with home.

"Morning class." He says, making his way to the front as the last couple student pile in.

I place my bag on the floor and get out my materials.

"Did he get hotter over break? Is that even possible?!" Charlotte exclaims in a low whisper, and I chuckle lightly.

Copying the questions on the board for us to answer, I can't focus on my work. He's not even doing anything, but I can't get him out of my mind... which is keeping me from working.

By the time most people have finished the final question, I'm just starting.

"Alright, I have packets for you each to study tonight. Quiz tomorrow, it's simple. But you will need to know the ideas I have written for you." Theo says, as he stands and starts passing out to rows.

I'm still trying to finish my class work, and everyone else is done. I've never been behind everyone else in class.

"Christian said he wanted to show us something at lunch later." Charlotte says, leaning over. By now everyone's talking and getting ready for the next class.

"Yeah ok." I say, looking up quickly, giving her a tight smile.

Looking back at my work and now homework, I sigh. Knowing I won't get this done now, so I'll have to take it home.

The bell excuses us, and just like in class today I'm the last to get their stuff together and leave.

"Shai?" I hear Theo call, as I'm about to leave. I turn to look at him, he stands at his desk.

"You okay?"

I nod, "I'm fine." I lie.


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