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"Stop right here..."

Cray presses the brake softly. The car stops just a few miles away from the BBA building. Pan grabs her bag, ready to leave the car.

"I can drop you at the foyer. Our faculties are right next to each other," says Cray.

"You'll have to turn around to park your car. It will take some time-"

"I always turn around the BBA building to park my car, Pan. Dropping you off only takes a minute," Cray insists, still refusing to unlock the car. Pan lets out a huge sigh.

"Unless you want to keep our relationship discreet..."

"That's not what I meant! I... I'm just not used to it yet," Pan says directly. She doesn't want to hide her feelings, now that they're in a relationship. No matter how hard it is, Pan wants to be as transparent as she can.

Cray chuckles and shakes his head. He releases the handbrake and presses the gas pedal slowly.

"What are you doing?" Pan starts panicking.

"Sending off my girlfriend straight to class..."


"Enough with the buts, Pan. We're wasting time arguing when we could just go straight to class," Cray replies with a smile that stays on his face.

The car moves slowly under the foyer and gradually stops. Cray unlocks the car, jumps out, and lightly runs to the passenger side to open the door for Pan. She feels awkward with the VIP treatment, but Cray is persistent and determined.

So, she goes along with him, just to save his face.

"I'll pick you up after class. Call me when you're done," says Cray. He pats Pan's head lightly before quickly getting back in the car and driving away, leaving Pan flustered.

She has no chance to say no to him!

"I might get diabetes soon, Han..."

"Looks like someone is filled up with sweet love! It's not even 10 a.m. yet, why do I feel a sugar rush?"

Pan glares at Han and Yara. Both of them are smirking at her.

"Guys, don't make me start a war..." Pan throws a soft warning at them.

"What war?" Han asks with an innocent face.

"Ahem... Han Anananda Wong... How's the yakiniku taste? I bet it tastes sweet, now that you have a veiny hand grilling the meat for you..." Pan smirks, looking at Han's blushing face. Han yanks Yara's hand, hiding his shyness from Pan.

"You went for yakiniku yesterday? And didn't invite us?! How dare you!" Yara smacks Han's hand away.

"Who invites friends on a date, Yara? Besides, you had your own date, why would you want to crash ours?" Pan's gaze shifts to Yara this time.

"I did not!"

"Aha? Explain this then...?"

Pan shows Yara's IG status that she screenshotted yesterday. A trip to a botanical park. A sweet moment with someone special.

"That's... nothing! Just a dreadful morning brisk walk!"

"You never do brisk walking, Yara. You can't even lift your eyes open that early..." Pan replies, laughing.

The three of them giggle together. They know what's happening among them these days. There's no room for second-hand embarrassment. They admit, the air around them is filled with pink bubbles.

Pan snakes her hands around both Han and Yara's shoulders. She squeezes in between her two best friends. Yara glares at her, whining a bit, but then she smiles along with Pan. Han nods and giggles.

"Congratulations on finding love, my friends," he says. Pan feels amused and laughs, while Yara hides her shyness behind her grin.

The three of them walk hand in hand toward class with pink bubble hearts.


"Where's Han?" Pan asks Yara. Today's class just ended, and both of them stroll along the corridor, feeling exhausted and burnt out.

"He left immediately after class. Straight to the 1st floor... to meet you-know-who..."

"Senior Kim..." The girls exchange grins, teasing Han who is definitely crazy in love with the senior.

"Do you think they'll end up together?" asks Yara. Pan shrugs, unable to predict the future between those two men.

"Judging by the flow between them, I think they're already together. Han looks more in love day by day. That means he's happy with his current situation," Pan replies calmly.

"I hope he doesn't hurt Han. I'll kill him if he does!" Yara balls her little fist. Pan laughs aloud at Yara's evil but cute expression.

"You should worry about your situation with Aye Yi instead of backing up your friend, Yara..."

"Ditto, girl... Ditto..." Yara snaps her fingers and points them at Pan.

"Why me, though?" Pan giggles helplessly.

"You chose Cray when you knew Senior Zee liked you a lot. Don't you feel awkward around him?" Yara asks.

The giggles slowly fade from Pan. She does feel the tension, wondering how she will face Zee. Will they keep it cool and professional?

"I don't think it will be awkward. We were never in a relationship anyway! Let's just keep it chill and cool," Pan musters confidence.

"Speak of the devil... The devil is here..." Yara pulls Pan to the side. From afar, they see Ta, Bear, and Zee casually walking towards them. They probably came from the class on the other side of the building, heading towards the elevator in the middle.

"Seniors..." Pan and Yara quickly greet them with a respectful wai. Bear stops and smiles, along with Ta. But Zee keeps walking, ignoring the girls as if they were invisible. Bear nudges Ta.

"Zee! The elevator-"

"I'm taking the stairs," Zee replies curtly before slowly disappearing from sight.

"Well, stairs... Healthy choice!" Ta laughs awkwardly. Pan and Yara grin widely, glaring at each other. Bear nods, playing along with his boyfriend.

"We're leaving now, Senior Ta," says Yara. She pulls Pan's hand and drags her friend toward the elevator.

"Poor Zee... But I feel bad for Pan too," Bear sighs.

"Teerak, let them decide the next move. If this is Zee's coping mechanism, let him be. We can only respect their decision," Ta replies, wrapping his arms around Bear's waist.

"Let's go for lunch?"

Bear smiles at Ta, playfully pinching his forearm. Ta whines in pain but then laughs softly.

You And I : Part 2Where stories live. Discover now