Ch11-Can we even do that?

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It's 11:21 and me and Jynx are in the lounge of Sans', they're still reading that Wing Dings book that I let them have last night. They're now listening to some music too, with their overhead cat-ear headphones (well that's a mouthful), these being (unsurprisingly) pink. They've been doing this for a few hours now, in that time I managed to make us both some half decent pancakes using a recipe from a cookbook, that Toriel had sent down the lift a while back. Again they aren't as good as Toriel's, because nothing I ever make is, but Jynx seemed happy enough with them.

But now we should probably head off so I put one of my vines on the book to signal for them to take their headphones off, because they probably wouldn't hear if I just asked. And while the idea of shouting them and giving them the scare of their life sounds funny, they still don't have that much reason to trust me given my... colourful this seemed like a better idea.

They look up and takes their headphones off, folding them up and putting them in its case.

"Yeah?" They ask, still not knowing why I'd got them to look up.

"Uh...We better get going soon,"

They check their watch, "'re right, I'll go pack my stuff,"

They start to quickly put their pancake left overs, Wing dings book, and a puzzle book (yeah it actually isn't a spike one this time), among other things into their bag.

While they do this, i put my cowboy hat back on and then carefully fold my scarf into my bag. Eventually, I close my bag and I look back at Jynx, who is now struggling to zip their bag up. Maybe I should help? Or I could just watch.

Yeah I'll do that instead.

Eventually they manage it and look up, i blink in slight shock.

"Since when did you need glasses?" I comment.

They are now wearing a pair of emerald green glasses. Surely if they needed them they would've put them on while reading that book for hours, right?

"Oh these, these are just empty frame ones, I wear them because i like how they look,"

"Oooooooh...that makes more sense."

Now that I look closer there aren't any actual lens' in them.

Well now...

Now...I just feel like an idiot.


We both leave Snowdin and eventually get to waterfall, and as predicted Jynx decides this is one of the best places down here too. The crystals glimmer in the caverns and Jynx stares at them intently.

"They're pretty cool right?" I smirk at Jynx.

"Yeah... they're,"

Trust Jynx to find a way to use 'wow' as an adjective.

"You knooooow...these are how it gets light and dark down simulates the day and night cycles, they're pretty much everywhere actually but because these caves have lower ceilings you notice them more"

I pause, "well....that and they do actually grow here the most, prooooobably because it's more humid, unlike surface crystals, the ones down here actually grow better like this," I explain, as if I'm a tour guide or something.

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