Chapter 31

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"What the fuck did I ever do to you," She sobbed, glaring at Ward, his gun traced the side of her bleeding head.

"You ruined my fucking family," He seethed, "You took my son from me."

"YOU RUINED YOUR FAMILY. YOU'RE A FUCKING MURDERER," She screamed in his face, and he grabbed her, placing the gun under her chin.

She shuttered in fear, tears streaming down her face. He pressed the gun into her chin, her body shuttering as he started to speak, his voice was terrifying.

"Watch your fucking mouth little girl, I'm not afraid to kill you just like I did your daddy," He seethed, "You're half way there, threw him into the water after I cracked his head open on the boat railing." His voice was haunting.

"You wouldn't do that to Rafe," I cried, trying to get into Ward's head.

"I don't fucking care about him," He was close to her ear, the gun still pressed under her chin, "He ran away with you, tearing the family apart, this is all your fault Raven."

She tried everything in her to not let anything he was saying get in her head. Her eyes started to burn because of how much she was crying and she heard banging on the big door. Ward wrapped a cloth around her mouth and she tried to fight him off, her screams now muffled as he pushed her into a utility closet. Her tears streamed down her face and she felt like she was going to pass out.

"LET ME IN," Rafe pounded on the warehouse door, almost denting it.

"Woah son, calm down-" Ward opened the door, a fake grin on his face, "It's all taken care of."

"What the fuck do you mean?" Rafe looked at him, his eyes laced with fear, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?"

"Hey, hey, calm down, CALM. DOWN," Ward grabbed his shoulders and he pushed him off.

"Don't fucking touch me, where is Raven, RAVEN?" He yelled trying to find her.

"You're not gonna find her," Ward laughs, "Let's just go home, back to OBX, everything will go back to normal."

"FUCK YOU," Rafe pulled a gun out from the back of his shorts, "I'll fucking do it," He let tears run down his face.

Raven heard Rafe's voice, her eyes widening as she tried to scream loud enough so he could hear her.

"RAFE," She screamed but it was muffled because of the cloth, "RAFE."

He paused hearing her screams, still holding the gun on his father, "RAVEN?"

Ward just laughed, his hands up, "Me or her."

"Where the fuck is she?" He spoke through his teeth, his hands shaking, almost dropping the gun.

"She's in the utility closet," Ward shrugged, keeping his hands up.

"Don't fucking lie to me," He let more tears fall.

"I'm not, go look," Ward nodded towards the door and Rafe rushed over, the gun still tight in his hand.

He opened the door quickly and saw her tied her, her wrists rubbed raw and bleeding from struggling, trying to get out of the ropes and her mouth covered by the cloth. His heart shatter as he tried to untie her. The second she saw him she started to cry even harder, this time out of hope, that he was already here.

"Shh, doll, I'm here," He tried to calm her down, the second he got her untied, her arms wrapped around him tightly.

He took the cloth off from around her mouth and hugged her tightly, tears streaming down his face. He felt her tense up suddenly, then felt metal on the back of his head. His breath hitched, his body tensing the second he realized he had a gun to his head.

"No no no, don't please," Raven pleaded, starting to sob again.

"You chose Rafe, you chose her over family," Ward seethed.

"Don't fucking do it, you know you won't," Rafe slid the gun to Raven, unnoticed, and her breath hitched.

He looked into her eyes and she carefully grabbed it, as Rafe grabbed Ward's gun, pushing him back, disarming him, opening the Magazine, seeing it was empty, and he threw the gun to the side.

"Rafe, what the fuck are you doing?"

"It wasn't loaded," Rafe stared at his father, "If you're going to fucking threaten to kill me, at least have it loaded.

Raven stepped out from behind Rafe, the gun shaking in her hands as she pointed it at Ward, who was laying on the ground, still knocked from Rafe pushing him down.

"Raven, what are you doing?" Rafe asked softly and she hushed him.

"Raven, sweetheart, put the gun down," Ward stood up quickly, putting his hands out.

"DON'T FUCKING SPEAK," She yelled, tears still flowing, "YOU. KIDNAPPED ME. YOU WERE GOING. TO KILL ME," She sobbed, her hands shaking, almost dropping the gun, "YOU KILLED MY FUCKING FATHER."

Rafe tried to touch her, but she shrugged him off, she wanted to shoot Ward but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Ward kept backing away from her, his back now pressed against the wall. She still held the gun to him, her tears finally stopped but she was overdrawn with rage. Rafe just watched, fear that she had a gun but also he knew she could handle herself, he knew that she was strong.

"Raven, we can talk about this, just put the gun down," Ward protested but she shook her head.

"NO," She screamed, "You don't get to fucking tell me what to do," She let her rage take over, her heart racing, "Tell me why you did it."

"Because he had something I needed," Ward replied and she almost pulled the trigger on him, she was so close to doing it, that answer pissed her off.

"Fuck you," She seethed, shaking her head, "You are a fucking MURDERER," She sobbed and he moved towards her, her hands tightening on the gun.



HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! This is a huge pivotal chapter, and I bet you guys can understand why, something huge just happened. It will all be unveiled next chapter though...

I love you all so much <333

1032 Words!!!

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