○ 14 ○

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Two months later:

Taekook's parents met each other a couple of times.

The bond between Jin and Tae is that of a mother-and-daughter duo.

At the same time, Vmin was going on a friendly date now and then and was always teaming up against Kook.

Two months into their relationship, Tae and Kook had settled into a comfortable and loving routine.

Their bond had grown stronger, filled with countless shared moments and deepening affection.

Though they have a hard time with their companies, they still make time for each other, whether for 1 hour or sleepless nights.

To celebrate their two-month anniversary, Kook planned a particular date that would be both romantic and intimate.

The evening began with Kook picking Tae up from her apartment.

And his future mother-in-law wishes him good luck in whatever he is up to.

He arrived with a bouquet of her favourite flowers, a mix of lilies and roses, and greeted her with a warm smile and a soft kiss.

Tae's eyes sparkled with excitement as she accepted the flowers, her heart fluttering with anticipation. And gave him a smooch on his cheek.

Kook: "Ready for our adventure?"
Kook asked, his voice filled with love.

Tae: "Absolutely,"
Tae replied, her smile matching his.

Kook led her to his car, where he had packed a picnic basket and a cosy blanket.

They drove to a remote beach, a spot they had discovered together during one of their many outings.

And it had become their regular hangout spot.

The sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the horizon and creating a breathtaking backdrop for the date when they arrived.

Kook spread the blanket on the soft sand and settled down together.

The gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore added to the calm atmosphere.

Kook opened the picnic basket, revealing an array of Tae's favourite foods: sushi, fresh strawberries, and cheese and crackers.

Tae: "You always know how to spoil me,"
Tae said, her eyes twinkling with affection.

Kook: "Only the best for you, my love,"
Kook replied, leaning in to kiss her softly.

They ate and talked, sharing stories and stealing kisses and laughter as the sun dipped below the horizon.

The sky transformed into a canvas of pinks, purples, and blues, and they sat in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company and the beauty of the moment.

Kook's head was on Tae's lap while she played with his hair and kissed his forehead occasionally.

After finishing their meal, Kook pulled out a small portable speaker and started playing a playlist of their favourite songs.

Tae's eyes lit up as she recognised the tunes, and she couldn't help but sing along.

Kook joined in, their voices blending harmoniously with the sound of the waves, making them feel like they were in another world.

Kook stood up as the night grew darker and extended his hand to Tae.

Kook: "Can I have the pleasure of dancing with you, my angel?"
He asked, his eyes filled with love.

Tae took his hand, her heart swelling with happiness.

Tae: "Of course, my darling," she said, standing up and giving him her hand. Kook took her hands into his, pressing his forehead on her knuckles and kissing her.

They swayed to the music, the moonlight casting a soft glow.

Kook held Tae close, his arms wrapped around her waist, while Tae rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

It was a moment of pure bliss, a dance that spoke of their deep connection and love.

Kook: "These past two months have been the happiest of my life."
Kook murmured, his lips brushing against her ear.

Tae looked up at him, her eyes filled with emotion.

Tae: "Mine too, bun. I never thought I could feel this way, but you changed everything."

Kook smiled, his heart overflowing with love and affection.

Kook: "I love you, Tae."

Tae: "I love you too,"
Tae whispered, her voice filled with sincerity.

They continued to dance, lost in each other and the magic of the night.

They sat on the blanket when the song ended, snuggling close under the stars.

Kook pulled out a small notebook from the picnic basket and handed it to Tae.

Tae: "What's this?"
Tae asked, curiosity piqued.

Kook: Open it,"
Kook said, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

Tae opened the notebook and found it filled with handwritten notes and sketches, all capturing moments from their relationship.

Each page told a story, from their first date to their inside jokes and shared dreams.

Kook: "I wanted to capture our journey. So, we can look back and remember all the special moments."
Kook explained.

Tae felt tears welling up in her eyes, touched by Kook's thoughtfulness and effort into the notebook.

Tae: "This is beautiful, love. And we can even show them to our children in the future."
She said while flipping the pages unconsciously.

Kook felt like he finally got a green signal. She was thinking about their future together.
What does he ask for more of?
Their career life is good, and their relationship is fantastic.

Kook wiped away a tear that escaped her cheek while tracing his writing, his touch gentle and loving.

Kook: "Love, I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me."

They spent the rest of the night looking through the notebook, reminiscing about their time together and dreaming about the future.

The stars above shone brighter, reflecting their happiness in each other's presence.

As the night grew late, they reluctantly packed up their picnic and headed back to the car as they had work the next day.

The drive home was filled with soft conversation and the occasional squeeze of hands, both content and grateful for their shared evening.

When they arrived at Tae's apartment, Kook walked her to the door, holding her close one last time before saying goodnight.

Tae: "Tonight was perfect, too, as always,"
Tae said, her eyes shining with love.

Kook: "It was," Kook agreed, kissing her tenderly.

Kook: "Happy two months, my tae bear."

Tae: "Happy two months, my bunny bun,"
She replied, her heart full.

As Tae watched Kook drive away for her room after Kook sent her her flying kiss, she felt a sense of warmth and peace settle over her.

Their relationship had grown into something beautiful, something real, and she couldn't wait to see where their journey would take them next.

Tell me how it was...

Stay tuned😁😁

Tae's Sangunie♡ |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now