○ 15 ○

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Days skip:

Tae and Kook stood in the quiet embrace of the night, wrapped in each other's warmth.

The moon cast a gentle glow, illuminating their tender moment. The air was filled with a sense of newfound love and unspoken promises.

Tae: "You always know how to make me feel special,"
She murmured, her voice muffled against his chest.

Kook smiled, his heart swelling with emotion.

Kook: "That's because you are special, Tae. To me, you're everything."

He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into her eyes.

The depth of his feelings was clear, and Tae could see the sincerity in his gaze. It made her heart race in a way she had never experienced before.

Kook: "I want to spend every moment showing you how much you mean to me, every sunrise, every sunset, every day in between."
He whispered, his thumb gently caressing her cheek.

Tae felt tears welling up in her eyes, but they were tears of happiness.

She had always been skeptical about love, but with Kook, everything felt different. Real.

Tae: "I believe you, bun. You've already shown me so much."

Kook leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, a kiss that spoke of promises and dreams yet to be fulfilled.

Tae responded with equal tenderness, feeling the connection between them deepen with every passing second.

When they finally parted, both were breathless but filled with a quiet contentment.

Kook took Tae's hand and led her to a nearby bench under a blooming cherry blossom tree. They sat down, the petals gently falling around them like a blessing.

Kook: "You know, when I first met you, I never imagined we'd be here like this, but now, I can't imagine my life without you."
He said, his voice filled with wonder.

Tae: "I felt the same way. I was scared to open up, to let someone in. But you...you made it easy."
Tae smiled, squeezing his hand.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, simply enjoying each other's presence.

The night was perfect, a serene backdrop to their blossoming love.

Kook: "Tae, I want to make a promise to you. A real one."
He began, breaking the silence.

Tae turned to him, her eyes filled with curiosity and affection.

Tae: "What promise?"
She asked softly it came like a whisper.

Kook took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts.

Kook: "I promise to always be there for you. To support you, to cherish you, and to love you with all my heart. No matter what life throws our way, I'll be by your side."

Tae felt her heart swell with emotion. She had never felt so sure about anything in her life.

Tae: "And I promise to do the same, to trust you, to stand by you, and to love you with everything I have."
She replied softly.

Kook's eyes sparkled with happiness. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her in a protective embrace.

They stayed like that for a long time, holding each other, drawing comfort and strength from their connection.

Eventually, they stood up and made their way back to the Kook's house.

The drive was filled with soft music and even softer conversations, their hands never letting go of each other.

The journey, though short, felt like a beautiful prelude to the lifetime they were about to embark on together.

Once back at the Kook's house, they found themselves in Kook's room, the atmosphere filled with a quiet anticipation.

Tae looked around, taking in the cozy space that felt so intimate and welcoming.

Kook: "Tae, Can I show you something?"
He said softly, drawing her attention back to him.

Tae nodded, curious. Kook led her to the small balcony attached to his room.

The view was breathtaking, the city lights sparkling like a sea of stars.

Kook: "I brought something for you, I got this for you a while ago, but I wanted to wait for the right moment."
He said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a small, intricately designed pendant on a delicate chain.

Tae gasped softly, her eyes wide with surprise.

Tae: "Kookie, it's beautiful."

Kook smiled, his eyes twinkling.

Kook: "Just like you."
He gently placed the necklace around her neck, his fingers brushing against her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

Kook: "There. Perfect."

Tae touched the pendant, feeling a warmth spread through her chest.

Tae: "Thank you, bun. It's perfect."

Kook leaned in, kissing her forehead tenderly.

Tae: "Just like us."

They stood there, under the night sky, the city lights below them, and the universe above.

In that moment, they knew that they had found something truly special.

A love that was real, deep, and everlasting.

Tae: "I love you."

Kook: "I love you too, Tae. More than anything."

They kissed again, a kiss that sealed their promises and their future.

It was the start of a beautiful journey, one filled with love, trust, and endless possibilities.

And as they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that no matter what, they would always have each other. Forever and always.

Tell me how it was...

Stay tuned😁😁

Tae's Sangunie♡ |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now