○ 19 ○

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Next Day:

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the room.

She stirred awake, her lashes fluttering. She tried to move, but something stopped her: a comforting warmth and the weight of Kook’s arm draped protectively over her waist.

She smiled softly, remembering the night before.

As Tae slowly turned her head, she caught Kook staring at her with sleepy but adoring eyes.
His messy hair made him look impossibly handsome, yet the love in his gaze was so intense it made her blush.

Kook: "Good morning, beautiful,"
Kook whispered, his voice husky with sleep, a playful smile tugging at his lips.

Tae: "Good morning, handsome."
She says, pecking at his chest.

And tried to sit up, but before she could, Kook gently pushed her back down, his brows knitting together in concern.

Kook: “Love, no, no. You’re not getting up. Just relax, okay?”
He says, pecking her forehead and leaving a long kiss on her lips.

Tae: "Kook, I’m fine. I can get up.”
She rolled her eyes.

Kook: “You need to rest. You must be sore, right? Let me take care of you.”
But he shook his head, sitting up beside her.

Tae: “Kook-”
Tae started, but kook was quick to press a kiss on her lips to argue more with her and he was already standing, pulling the blanket higher around her shoulders like she was made of glass.

He walked over to her side of the bed, and then scooped her up effortlessly in his arms, causing Tae to squeal in surprise.

Tae: “Koo!” She clutched his shoulders, half-exasperated, half-amused as he carried her to the bathroom like she weighed nothing.

Kook: “Let me help you to the bathroom,”
He said, his tone full of so much love that Tae almost melted right there.

She chuckled softly, a little annoyed but more touched.

Tae: “I can walk, you know. I’m not broken.”

Kook: “I know, love, but just… let me do it, okay?”
He grinned,

Setting her down just outside the door, he hesitated, his hand lingering on her back as if making sure she wouldn’t fall over the second he let go.

Kook: “I’ll wait right here, In case you need me.”
He said softly.

Tae rolled her eyes again, unable to hide her growing affection for how caring he was.

Tae: “You’re being ridiculous,”
She muttered, stepping into the bathroom.

Before she could close the door, Kook kept his hand near the knob and smiled at her when she raised her eyebrows.

Kook: "I just changed my mind, I want to join you."

Tae narrowed her eyes and him and opened the door. And so both of them did their morning routine.

And yeah, nothing happened.

After helping her with her dress, he took her in a bridal way towards the kitchen and made her sit on the kitchen island leaving a small kiss on her lips.

Kook: “I was thinking, I’ll make you breakfast today.”
Kook began as he handed her a glass of water once she was settled again.

Tae: “You?”
The raised an eyebrow with a nervous laugh cause she had never had anything which was made by Kook in their year of the relationship.

Kook: “Yes, me,”
Kook replied confidently.

Kook: “You’re not lifting a finger today. I want you to rest. Last night must have been--”

Tae: “Kook!” Tae cut him off, feeling her cheeks heat up, making him laugh that deep, heart-melting laugh of his.

Tae sighed, pretending to be annoyed, but the truth was, her heart was swelling with warmth.

Kook had always been protective, but this was something else.

It was like he couldn’t stop himself from pampering her with love.

And though part of her wanted to tell him he was being too much, a bigger part of her couldn’t help but feel blessed to have him.

Tae: “Stop looking at me like that, you’re going to make me cry.”
She mumbled, her voice softening.

Kook: “Good. That just means I’m doing this right.”
Kook leaned forward and kissed her forehead gently, making her close her eyes feeling the warmth.

As Kook started to start his work, Tae couldn't help but stare at him. He is using all the things like a professional.

Now and then coming near her and kissing or ticking her waist.

After feeling like a few minutes, Kook completed making a small yet delicious breakfast, we could tell it was delicious just by its smell, making Tae's mouth water.

Tae: "You will be at one who cooks when we get married."
She says in a demanding tone.

Kook: "As my queen wishes."
He says taking her hand in his and pecking on her knuckles.

After finishing their breakfast, they both cuddled on the sofa, watching a movie.

Tae snuggled into his chest, letting out a contented breath.

Despite how overprotective he was, it was impossible to be upset with him when he looked at her like that, like she was his whole world.

Tae: “I’m lucky to have you,”
She murmured, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on his chest.

Kook: “No, I’m the lucky one.”
Kook whispered, tilting her chin up so he could look into her eyes.

He leaned down and kissed her softly, his lips lingering on hers for a long, tender moment.

Kook: “I love you,”
He whispered against her lips.

Tae: “I love you too,”
She replied, smiling into the kiss, feeling truly blessed to have him in her life.

Tell me how it was...

Stay tuned 😁😁

Tae's Sangunie♡ |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now