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A week later:

Everything was chaos in Jeon's mansion.

Jin (Kook's mom) was roaming all around the house to see if everything was in the right place or not and when she felt like everything was fine and was about to sit on the sofa a loud sound came from the kitchen, she hurriedly went there to see her husband (Namjoon/Rm) broke one more glass.

Rm: "Darling"
he smiled nervously. And there started the Jin's rap.

Rm: "Darling, come Taebear might have come."
He says quickly, leaving a kiss on her lips, and rushing to the door.

Tae: "Pa,"
She calls him and hugs Rm.

Rm: "Hell, Taebear. You look beautiful"
He said caressing her hair and kissed on her forehead.
Rm is like a father figure for Tae, showing her fatherly love and spoiling her like one.

Rm: "Come in dear. Where is Jisoo?"

Tae: "She is coming, Pa."
She says and Kook nods in response.

Tae: "Where is mom, jimin and Kook?"

Rm: "Jin is in the kitchen, and the siblings are still in his room, getting ready.
He had a meeting yesterday and came home late and woke up a bit, and now he was contemplating what to wear, and Jimin is helping him."
He says with a concerned tone, shaking his head.

Tae: "I'm going to the kitchen."
She says, making her way towards the stairs.

Soon she meets Jin and excuses herself to go to Kook.

Tae knocks on the door twice and goes in to see the sibling still choosing what Kook should wear.

Jimin: "Look my lady has come."
She screams and hugs Tae who hugs her back tightly.

Kook: "She is mine."
He whines, making the girl duo laugh at him.

Jimin: "Of course bro."
She says waving off at him.

Jimin: "Look who is beautiful?"
She says making Tae do a twirl.

Tae: "Us, Minnie."
She says with a wink.

All the while, Kook was looking at her with a soft smile, looking at the women in his life who were looking so happy and beautiful.

Jimin looks at Kook, who is looking at Tae with soft eyes, so she clears her throat.

Jimin: "Okay couple. I'm leaving. Please, Tae, choose a suit for him."
She says with a wink towards Kook, who just shakes his head and leaves, closing the door.

Jimin: "Don't be late."
She shouts before making her way to her room.

Tae just blushes at her words and goes towards Kook's outfits which are spread on the bed.

Kook hugs Tae from behind and snuggles his head in her nape, kissing her softly. Tae smiles at him turning her face to look at him.

Tae quickly pecks on his lips and picks up a suit for him which is in contrast to her saree color.

Tae: "This one. How about this one, Koo."

Kook: "Perfect."

Tae: "Yeah."
She turns only to see him looking into her soul, with soft eyes and a smile playing on his lips.

Kook: "You are just perfect, like always looking as gorgeous as you can be and with a beautiful and kind heart which can make anyone fall in love with you.

You're not just gorgeous on the outside- it's your heart, your kindness, and the way you care so deeply for everyone around you that truly makes me fall for you over and over again.

Tae's Sangunie♡ |TAEKOOK|Where stories live. Discover now