The Dark Pit

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Angst, because I'm trying to deal with stuff


Soobin and Yeonjun had always shared a raw and intimate bond, a connection that felt almost... meant to be. They were the kind of couple that finished each other's sentences and laughed at the same jokes.

But lately, a shadow had crept into their lives, dimming the light that has sparked their relationship. Yeonjun's emotional state had been declining, and the vibrant, confident person Soobin had fallen in love with seemed to be fading away.

It started with small things—Yeonjun's sleepless nights, the way his smile didn't quite reach his eyes, the hesitation in his voice. What made it so obvious is how Yeonjun is not that touchy anymore, I mean the man's love language is physical touch.

Soobin noticed but didn't know how to address it at first. He knew Yeonjun had always been sensitive, often overthinking things, but this felt different. It was as if Yeonjun was carrying a weight that he couldn't share, a burden that grew heavier with each passing day.

One evening, as they lay in bed, Soobin felt Yeonjun's grip on his hand tighten. He turned to face him, seeing the worry lines etched on his forehead, the distant look in his eyes. "Yeonjun hyung, are you okay?" Soobin asked softly, his voice filled with concern.

Yeonjun forced a smile, but it was weak. "I'm fine, just tired," he replied, turning away.

But Soobin knew better. He reached out, gently cupping Yeonjun's face and turning him back to look at him. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" he whispered, his thumb brushing against Yeonjun's cheek. "Whatever it is, you know we can figure it out together."

Yeonjun's eyes welled up with tears, and he bit his lip, trying to hold them back. He didn't want to burden Soobin with his problems, didn't want to drag him into the dark pit of his mind. But as he looked into Soobin's eyes, those dark yet comforting pair of eyes, his defenses began to crumble.

"I'm... I'm scared, Soobin," Yeonjun said, his voice trembling. "I feel like I'm losing myself. Everything's just so overwhelming, and I don't know what to do anymore."

Soobin's heart ached hearing Yeonjun's words. He pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around him in a tight embrace. Yeonjun's tears began to fall freely, his body shaking with the weight of his emotions. Soobin felt the dampness of Yeonjun's tears against his shoulder and tightened his hold, offering a silent support.

"I feel like... like I'm trapped in my own head," Yeonjun continued, his voice breaking. "I try to keep going, to stay strong, but it's like every day is a battle I can't win. I'm scared, Soobin. Scared that I'm not enough, that I'm failing at everything."

He pulled away slightly to look at Soobin, his eyes red and puffy from crying. "I can't even... I can't even talk to people without feeling like they're judging me. It's like every word I say is wrong, and every decision I make is just another mistake waiting to happen. I keep thinking that I'm going to let everyone down, especially you." Yeonjun kept rambling on, his eyes were fixed on Soobin, yet the younger felt like Yeonjun was looking at a mile away.

Soobin gently wiped away Yeonjun's tears with his thumbs, his own eyes misting up at the sight of Yeonjun's distress. "You're not failing, hyung," Soobin said softly, his voice steady despite the lump in his throat. "You're doing your best, and that's more than enough. It's okay to feel overwhelmed. It doesn't mean you're weak or that you're failing."

Yeonjun shook his head, his voice choked with emotion. "But I feel like I should be better. I should be stronger. I shouldn't be dragging you into this... this mess."

Soobin shook his head gently, his hands resting on Yeonjun's cheek, his fingers lay under the other's ear. "You don't have to be perfect," he said firmly. "I love you for who you are, not for who you think you should be. And I'm here with you, you're not dragging me into anything, hyung."

Yeonjun clung to Soobin, his body trembling as he let out a sob. Soobin held him tightly, his heart aching with every cry. "We'll get through this together," Soobin whispered. "You don't have to face this alone. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." He stated again, to make sure Yeonjun knows, he is there for him.

They stayed like that for a long time, wrapped in each other's arms. Soobin's quiet support gave Yeonjun a sense of calm he hadn't felt in a while. It didn't fix everything, but it made him feel less alone. The comfort of Soobin's embrace was a small, steady light in the darkness that had surrounded him.

As they lay back in bed, Soobin looked at Yeonjun, their faces close. His heart ached seeing the sadness in Yeonjun's eyes. Gently, Soobin cupped Yeonjun's cheek, his thumb brushing softly against his skin. He leaned in and pressed a tender, lingering kiss to Yeonjun's lips.

Yeonjun's tears began to flow as the kiss deepened. It wasn't just the softness of Soobin's lips that moved him, but the sheer depth of the love and reassurance behind it.

The kiss was not based on lust or desire, but filled with a quiet, soothing comfort that Soobin wanted to give to the other. Regardless, with all the wave of emotion, Yeonjun couldn't stop the tears that streamed down his cheeks.

Soobin sensed the tears and, still kissing him, gently wiped them away with his thumbs. He continued to kiss Yeonjun's lips and then his cheeks, softly pressing his lips to each tear as if to gather them away. Soobin's other hand moved to circle Yeonjun's back, drawing soothing patterns with his fingertips.

Soobin whispered between the kisses, "I'm here. I know it's heavy, but you don't have to carry it alone." His voice was steady and warm, a grounding presence in the storm of Yeonjun's emotions.

Yeonjun again, clung to Soobin, burying his face against his shoulder as the tears flowed more freely. The heavy feelings in his heart and mind seemed to ease, just a bit, as Soobin's touch and presence provided a much-needed anchor. He felt as if Soobin was helping him carry the burden, his support lightening the load, even if it's just a little.

Soobin continued to soothe him, his hands moving in gentle circles on Yeonjun's back, his kisses soft and reassuring. "I love you," Soobin murmured, his voice breaking slightly with emotion. "You don't have to be okay all the time. I'm here, always. I'll be okay for you."

Yeonjun's sobs gradually quieted, his breathing steadying as Soobin's loving touch wrapped around him like a warm blanket.

Soobin rested his forehead against Yeonjun's, their breaths mingling in the quiet of the room. Yeonjun's eyes were still damp, but the intense wave of despair had softened. Soobin's soothing presence had always made the overwhelming feelings feel a bit more bearable for Yeonjun.

"No matter what happens, we'll face it together," Soobin whispered, his voice filled with quiet determination.

Yeonjun felt tears prick at his eyes, but this time they were tears of gratitude. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "For being here, for always understanding me... I love you, Soobin." The older's voice is barely above a whisper, even saying I love you felt like something he doesn't deserve to feel.

Soobin smiled softly, his eyes full of love. "I love you, Yeonjun. I freaking love you Choi Yeonjun." he said simply.

In that quiet moment, Yeonjun felt a sense of peace. He knew that he didn't have to be perfect or "fixed" to be loved. All he needed to do was take things one day at a time, with Soobin by his side.

As they drifted off to sleep, Soobin held Yeonjun close. In that quiet moment, they found a sense of peace—accepting the ups and downs of life, the struggles and the joys, knowing they had each other.

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