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Soobin never really understood the point of smiling. Growing up, it was a foreign concept.

His parents had always been too busy or too distant to show affection, and he learned quickly that a smile wasn't something he needed.

Not for survival, not for comfort, and certainly not for anyone's approval.

That is, until Yeonjun came along.

— Flashback

Yeonjun was the new student in their class. From the moment he sat beside Soobin, he made it his mission to engage him in conversation. At first, it was casual, just idle chatter about classes and homework. But it soon became clear that Yeonjun wasn't the type to give up easily.

Every day, he greeted Soobin with a grin that seemed too wide, too full of life. And every day, Soobin responded with the same short nod, the same clipped responses. Yeonjun didn't seem to mind.

"Soobin!" Yeonjun called one day as they were leaving school together. "Why don't you ever smile?"

Soobin blinked, surprised by the question. "What?"

"I mean, I've never seen you smile. Not once!" Yeonjun said, slowing his pace to match Soobin's. His eyes sparkled with curiosity as he added, "I bet you'd look handsome if you did."

Handsome? Soobin blinked, confused by the compliment, but more so by his request. Smile? He didn't even know if he could.

"Come on," Yeonjun urged, nudging him lightly with his elbow. "Just try. For me?"

Soobin hesitated. The thought of smiling just for someone else felt strange. But there was something in Yeonjun's tone—something warm, something sincere—that made him try. He forced the corners of his lips upward, though it felt awkward and unnatural.

Yeonjun's reaction was immediate. His eyes lit up, and he let out a small cheer. "See? I knew it! You should smile more often."

Soobin quickly looked away, the heat rising to his cheeks. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing," Yeonjun said with a playful grin. "It suits you."

Over the next few days, Soobin found himself smiling more often. It was always small, barely noticeable, but it happened. And only when Yeonjun was around.

He didn't quite understand why, but whenever Yeonjun cracked one of his silly jokes or shared an exaggerated story, Soobin felt his lips twitch. And every time, Yeonjun would beam with excitement, praising him for the rare expression. It felt strange—almost as though Yeonjun's happiness was tied to Soobin's willingness to smile.

But with each smile came a strange new feeling. It was warm, but unsettling. Soobin had never let anyone get this close to him, and now, he wasn't sure what to do with the emotions stirring inside him.

One afternoon, they walked home together, as they often did now. Soobin's mind was racing, full of questions he didn't know how to answer. What if Yeonjun was the reason he smiled? What if that was the only reason?

He slowed his steps, feeling the weight of the thought. What if Yeonjun stopped walking with him, stopped talking to him, stopped caring? Could he smile then?

Yeonjun noticed the shift in Soobin's mood and turned to him, concern lacing his voice. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Soobin hesitated, unsure of how to voice his thoughts. "I... don't know how to smile without you," he said quietly, the words slipping out before he could stop them.

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