Hold Me

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5.675 words

a/n. Longest one-shot I've written so far, I'm a sucker for angsty stuff alright. Dw it's not all sad, got some fluff too inside 😚

CW: Bullying, homophobia


Soobin and Yeonjun had always been close, closer than anyone else Soobin had ever known. Since middle school, Yeonjun had been by his side, acting as his silent protector when things got tough.

It started one afternoon in their first year, when Soobin was pushed up against the lockers by a group of boys for being "too quiet" or "too weird."

Soobin was smaller back then, shy and soft-spoken, the kind of boy who never raised his voice or fought back.

He didn't need to. Not when Yeonjun was there.

Yeonjun had stepped in, fearless as ever, and told those boys to back off. And when they didn't, Yeonjun threw a punch that sent the leader of the group staggering. The others had scattered like frightened animals, and after that, no one ever dared to mess with Soobin again.

That was the day everything changed. Soobin had always admired Yeonjun from afar—his confidence, his easy smile—but after that moment, something deeper began to grow between them.

They were inseparable after that, spending every break, every weekend, every free moment together.

By the time high school came around, it wasn't just friendship that connected them. The soft glances they exchanged across the classroom, the lingering touches on the shoulder, the way Yeonjun's fingers would brush against Soobin's hair when no one was looking—everything felt charged with something more.

It took Yeonjun a little while to put it into words, but one evening, just after sunset, he finally kissed Soobin. A tentative, soft kiss under the dimming light, with the warm summer breeze swirling around them. It was everything Soobin had dreamed of and more.

From that moment on, they weren't just friends. They were everything to each other.


But high school wasn't easy, not for someone like Soobin. He was still quiet, still soft-spoken, and for some people, that was all they needed to pick on him. And even though Yeonjun tried to shield him from it as much as possible, there were days when the whispers were too loud, the stares too piercing.

It was easier when Yeonjun was around, though. His mere presence was enough to keep the worst of it at bay. Yeonjun had a way of carrying himself that made people think twice about messing with him—or anyone close to him.

Soobin found comfort in that, in knowing that Yeonjun was always there, watching out for him, keeping him safe.

But then Yeonjun graduated.

It wasn't like Yeonjun had moved far away. The university he attended was only a town over, a short drive from where Soobin still went to high school. But the distance felt bigger than it was.

Without Yeonjun there every day, without his steady presence beside him, Soobin started to feel the weight of things again. The whispers grew louder, the stares sharper.

And even though they still saw each other every weekend, and talked on the phone every night, it wasn't the same.

He missed the way Yeonjun used to pull him close, his arms wrapping around Soobin's shoulders in a way that made everything feel okay. He missed the way Yeonjun would brush his fingers through his hair when he was upset, rubbing gentle circles on his back until the tension melted away.

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