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A really fluffy fluff mcflufferson type of story because I have been writing too many smuts that I really think I'm gonna go down in hell sooner or later.

So to cleanse our minds and souls here is a very very sweet (pun intended) oneshot.


Yeonjun and Soobin were sitting in the school cafeteria, munching on their lunch. Yeonjun had just finished talking about a recent food craving.

"You know what would be amazing right now?" Yeonjun said, leaning back in his chair with a content sigh. "A tiramisu. I haven't had one in ages. It's like the perfect dessert for this season."

Soobin, who was quietly listening while nibbling on his sandwich, just smiled softly. He had taken note of Yeonjun's comment, his mind already ticking over the idea.


The hallway buzzed with the usual between-class chaos, students weaving in and out, slamming lockers, and chattering about everything under the sun.

Yeonjun and Soobin made their way to their lockers, casually talking about the next class, though Yeonjun was clearly distracted by something else.

"Soobin, you think Mr. Kang is gonna give us another quiz?" Yeonjun asked as he fiddled with the lock on his locker, his tone absentminded.

"Probably," Soobin replied, glancing sideways at his best friend. Yeonjun had a knack for talking without really paying attention, especially when something else was on his mind.

With a click, Yeonjun's locker popped open, and his eyes immediately lit up. "Oh! Another dessert!" He reached in and pulled out a small box tied with a neat ribbon. The scent of freshly baked goods filled the air, and Soobin tried to suppress a grin.

Yeonjun eagerly untied the ribbon and found a perfectly made tiramisu waiting for him, the cream dusted with cocoa powder. Right on top, tucked into the corner, was a small note, just like always.

"Let's see what it says this time," Yeonjun muttered to himself, carefully unfolding the paper. "'Hope today's as sweet as you, You've got this, Yeonjun!'" he read out loud, a huge smile spreading across his face. "Man, whoever this is must really like me."

Yeah, I do. I really do.

Soobin rolled his eyes, biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling. "Yeah, maybe the universe is just obsessed with you," he said sarcastically, though his heart just did this frantic dance at the sight of Yeonjun's bright smile.

Yeonjun chuckled, closing the box. "I'm telling you, Soobin, this has to be fate. Every time I mention wanting something, it just magically appears! The universe must be listening to me."


Here's the thing. Soobin is head over heels with his best friend. Yet, this boy doesn't really have the guts to say it. He is afraid, which is fair. Some cases like this ended up ruining people's friendship, and he doesn't want that.

Does Soobin love Yeonjun? Yes. Does he want Yeonjun to be his boyfriend? Hell yeah. But the thought of a probability of him losing his best friend? He's not taking any chances.

He watched as Yeonjun carefully tucked the box into his bag, a small surge of pride bubbling inside him. It was worth all the late-night baking, just to see that expression on Yeonjun's face. He was always so happy, completely clueless.

Soobin glanced away, pretending to fiddle with his own locker. Yeah, clueless... but seeing him smile like that made all the effort worthwhile.

Soobin, nearby and trying hard not to look too interested, couldn't help but let out a small, amused snort. He watched as Yeonjun eagerly talked about how incredible it was.

Yeonbin OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now