(M) Meanie

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2.154 words

Top: Soobin
Bottom: Yeonjun

That classic bullies trope


Yeonjun didn't know what was worse.

The fact that he had to share a room with Soobin, or the fact that Soobin seemed completely unbothered by it.

They'd been on the basketball team together for a while, but they'd never really clicked. Yeonjun always made sure to poke at him, calling him a nerd or prude, just to get a reaction.

But now, lying on his bed with nothing to do, Yeonjun could feel the boredom creeping in. Soobin, as expected, was sitting on his bed with a book, perfectly content.

"You're seriously reading?" Yeonjun muttered, propping himself up on his elbows. "We're at a freaking retreat, and you're still acting like we're in the library."

Soobin didn't look up. "I like reading."

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "Ever think about being normal for once? I bet you've never even had a drink. Or kissed anyone, for that matter."

This time, Soobin's head lifted, his eyes meeting Yeonjun's with a sharpness that caught him off guard. There was something different about the way Soobin was looking at him—something that made Yeonjun pause.

"You think you know everything about me, don't you?" Soobin said, voice calm but carrying an edge.

Yeonjun hesitated. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Soobin stood up, closing his book and walking over to Yeonjun's bed, his presence suddenly overwhelming.

He was taller, sure, but it wasn't just his height that made Yeonjun's heart race. There was a weight to the air, a feeling that the dynamic between them was about to change.

Before Yeonjun could react, Soobin's hand grabbed his chin, firm but not painful, forcing him to look up. "You've been running your mouth for too. Fucking. Long."

Yeonjun's breath hitched. "What are you—"

Soobin's grip tightened just slightly, silencing him. "Always so cocky, huh? Always pushing me around like I'm some easy target."

Yeonjun swallowed hard, trying to regain control of the situation, but Soobin wasn't letting go. The room felt smaller, and the air between them buzzed with something Yeonjun couldn't quite name.

"You think because I'm quiet, you can say whatever the fuck you want?" Soobin leaned in, his lips brushing against Yeonjun's ear, his voice low and rough. "Guess what? You're not in control here."

Yeonjun blinked, his bravado faltering under Soobin's intense gaze. "S-Soobin—"

Yeonjun wasn't sure where all of this came from, or maybe he does. All he knows that he could felt it made him... excited in some way.

"I'm gonna ask you once, Yeonjun," Soobin said, his voice low, commanding. "Do you want this? You're all talk, but I need to hear it from you. Yes or no."

For a moment, the room was silent, the weight of Soobin's words hanging in the air. Yeonjun's breath hitched, his heart racing, but he knew the answer. It had been there all along, even if he didn't want to admit it.

"Yes," Yeonjun whispered without thinking, the word slipping out before he could stop it.

A smirk tugged at Soobin's lips. "Good. Don't act like you didn't ask for this."

The shift was immediate. Soobin's grip tightened just slightly, but it wasn't painful—it was firm. Yeonjun's body tensed with anticipation as Soobin leaned down, lips brushing against his ear.

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