Kiss Me More

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2.106 words

Just them kissing, just cuz 🤷🏻


Yeonjun lay stretched out on Soobin's bed, his head sinking into the soft pillow as Soobin sat cross-legged on the floor beside him. The faint glow of the bedside lamp illuminated the room with a warm, golden hue, creating a cozy bubble that Yeonjun should have found relaxing.

Soobin's voice filled the space, talking animatedly about his football practice, his latest strategies for the upcoming game, and the little mishaps during training.

But Yeonjun wasn't listening. Not really.

His gaze kept drifting to Soobin's lips—soft, plump, and slightly pouty, moving with each word that passed through them.

They looked impossibly kissable, the kind of lips that made Yeonjun's heart race just imagining what it would feel like to press his own against them again.

It had been too long. Far, far too long since their last kiss.

Soobin continued talking, blissfully unaware of the internal struggle Yeonjun was going through.

"And then coach told me to try a new formation, something more aggressive, but Taehyun kept messing up his position—"

The words blurred into background noise, drowned out by Yeonjun's growing frustration.

He couldn't help but focus on the way Soobin's lips moved, the subtle curve when he spoke, the way they parted ever so slightly, just enough to show a glimpse of his teeth.

It was infuriating how close yet out of reach those lips felt, like a tease Yeonjun wasn't sure he could handle any longer.

Days? Weeks? Had it really been weeks since their last kiss?

Yeonjun shifted slightly, the itch to just lean in and pressed their lips together was building by the second. They'd been spending so much time together—cuddling, talking, laughing—but Soobin's shyness had kept them at a frustrating distance.

It was one of the things Yeonjun loved about him, the way Soobin's confidence on the football field melted away when they were alone.

But lately, it felt like Soobin was holding back more than ever, and it was starting to drive Yeonjun insane.

"And Hueningkai, well, you know how he is—" Soobin was still talking, unaware of how little attention Yeonjun was paying to his words.

The more Soobin spoke, the more fixated Yeonjun became, his gaze tracing the outline of Soobin's mouth like a map he desperately wanted to follow.

His fingers twitched at his sides, itching to reach out and tilt Soobin's chin, to finally close the distance that had been stretching between them for far too long. He could practically feel the softness of Soobin's lips, could almost taste the warmth and sweetness of them.

Yeonjun's patience was unraveling thread by thread.

"Soob," he interrupted, his voice coming out lower and rougher than he intended. Soobin paused mid-sentence, blinking up at him in confusion.

"Huh? What's up?" Soobin asked, his brows furrowing slightly.

Yeonjun sat up, the frustration finally bubbling over. "Seriously? It's been weeks." His voice wasn't angry, but there was a pleading edge to it that made Soobin shift uncomfortably. "When's the last time we even kissed?"

Soobin's eyes widened, and a soft flush crept up his neck. "I—I don't know... I've just been busy with practice," he mumbled, suddenly finding the floor very interesting.

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