The Ending to My Crazy Day

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I see Juno standing a ways away and calling out to me.

"Juno!" I yell, running to him. I'm glad this dress isn't too long or I would have fallen by now. I finally reach his arms and melt as I grasp tightly to him. I can feel tears flow down my face but I am too happy to care. I'm so happy they are here. I wrap my arms around Juno's shoulders as the rest of the group runs up to me. I can feel Milo wrap his arms around my waist. Tara and Liz grab my head and shoulder. Nathan is somewhere in here.

"I miss you guys so much," I whisper.

"We did too," Juno replies. Hugo slips from around me and returns to normal as I am still hugging. After a minute of hugging, we all separate but stay close. Eli and Jack are looking at us with wide, confused eyes.

"Oh, Eli, Jack," I begin, walking to them, "This is Milo, Juno, Nathan, Tara, Liz, and Hugo."

The gang turns around and sees Hugo standing behind them. I see Juno nod to him and Hugo smile in return.

"You mean the Prince Eli?" Tara asks with wide eyes. I can see Eli grin. Perfect, Eli has now accepted my friends.

"Uh, yeah," I say, not thinking much of it. Liz and Tara stare at him like a jeweler sees mountains of diamonds.

"You said Juno?" Jack asks looking at me.

"Yeah he's right there," I say pointing to Juno who is talking to Hugo. Jack walks up slowly to Juno until Juno turns around and they are staring at each other.

"Jack?!" Juno asks. Jack nods and hugs Juno. I can see Juno is crying. Why?

"Wait, this is the Juno?" Eli asks, his eyes growing wider. By Jack grasping Juno tighter I can tell Eli is correct. What is going on?

"I can't believe it's you," I can hear Juno's voice shakily state.

"Me neither," Jack replies, just as shaky.

"Do you guys know each other?" I ask. They break the hug and both look at me with smiles on their faces but tears in their eyes.

"Juno is my twin that I was separated from at five years of age," Jack states. Everyone is confused and amazed. Out of all the people in my town, I am friends with Juno. And out of all the people Eli could be friends with and hang out today he chose Jack. Juno didn't have to go and find me but he did. It is just amazing that with the odds they were still able to find each other.

"Let's go to the fortress," Jack instructs as he leads the way with Juno under his arm. I walk beside Eli on one side and my friends on the other.

"This is crazy," Eli admits quietly to me.

"Agreed," I say thinking about today, "What time do we have to go back?"

"Noon," he answers glumly.

"Don't worry," I assure him, "I'll be right behind you."

He smiles but is still looking down at the ground.

"Loving your dress," Tara announces as she slides closer to me.

"I have to wear it," I explain. Tara looks slightly confused.

"I'll explain it all once we get to this so-called fortress," I say to Tara, who nods. After a few minutes of walking, Jack finally stops. I look around and can't see any tree house or tent.

"Hold on guys," Jack says letting Juno go. Jack walks forward a few steps and begins to jump. We all look at each other confused. Jack then sticks his hand into the ground and pulls out a rope which he yanks, sending a small door to pop out of the ground.

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