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Hello lovely creatures, hope you are doing well. The last chapter must be left you anticipating, so here we are.



An abandoned warehouse stands tall as Jungkook and his crew move closer. This structure, once near collapse, now vibrates with meaning; this is what this mission feels like. Every corner of the building reeks of how much is at stake in this gamble. The hard resolve on Jungkook's face never wavers as he leads.

Anger and desperation manifest on Mina's flushed face as she sits bound to the rickety chair inside. The goons still menacing and unyielding keep their watchful eyes on her. The air seems so laden with tension and stale mildew.

The warehouse's door creaks slowly, and Jungkook gazes sharply across the room, landing on a defiant silhouette figure of Mina. The goons square their stance, and the scarred one steps forward with a sneer on his face.

"Looks like our visitors have finally arrived." he sneers.

Jungkook's eyes locked with Mina. The relief that she was undamaged was quick and fleeting, quickly replaced by thoughts of betrayal she might harbor. He advanced assuredly on her, calm and resolute.

"Let her go." Jungkook ordered firmly, clear, with no room for compromise.

The goons exchanged uneasy glances, eyeing Jungkook warily. The one with the scar tries to keep up his bravado, though. "You think you just walk in here and take her? You ain't in charge here."

Jungkook hardened his look. "I'm not asking. I'm telling you."

Tension crackles in the atmosphere as Jungkook's team moves in, and the goons get dispatched with practiced efficiency. Mina's restraints are cut away soon after, finally leaving her free of that chair, rubbing her wrists as her eyes never leave Jungkook.

One icy glare and tension dripping from her voice, Mina said, "So it was you after all. The Jeons are behind this mess. I knew it."

Jungkook's expression never falters as his eyes remain on hers. "It's complicated, Mina. We're here to get you out, and that's what matters right now."

Mina narrowed her eyes at him, oozing sarcasm in her tone. "Oh, how heroic. The villain swoops in to rescue the damsel he put in distress. Should I start swooning now?"

Jungkook's lips twitch, but he swallows the retort. "You can swoon later. Right now, we need to get out of here."

Mina's steps are tentative as they leave the warehouse, scanning Jungkook with distrust and disbelief. She suddenly stops. "Wait a minute. Why are you saving me? What's your angle here, Jeon?"

Jungkook sighed and continued to walk, rubbing the back of his neck. "Let's just say it's not in my best interest to let you get hurt."

Mina snorted, shaking her head. "So what, do you have a conscience now? Or did you just get bored of being the bad guy? Try what you want you can't win over my brother."

Jungkook side-eyes her but doesn't break his stride. "It's a complicated job, Mina. Sometimes you save the princess; sometimes you burn down the castle. Today's a saving day."

"Great. I get saved by a guy who talks like he's in a fairy tale. What's next? You gonna fight a dragon?" Her emotions are already taking tolls on her.

"Only if it tries to hurt you" Jungkook says, deadpan, and Mina rolls her eyes.


As the car stopped, the view of sleek, ultramodern building containing Jungkook's penthouse apartment was a world away from the grimy warehouse from which Mina had just emerged. Now that the elevator doors were open into the penthouse suite, Jungkook moved inside and Mina followed with cautious and wary steps.

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