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Hello sweetheart, sorry for being late....

Let's dive in...


It is a still night, the air heavy with tension, as storm clouds gather over the head. The streetlights cast flickering, pale light upon the pavement, their glow shifting and quivering as though they, too, feel the storm brewing-not in the skies alone but within the hearts of those who are fated to meet tonight.

Jimin steps out onto the slick asphalt, his mind thick with the weight of the fresh conversation with his grandfather. He had made up his mind: he is in this with Jungkook, no matter the cost. But the farther he walks toward the entrance to Jungkook's apartment, the colder a sensation dawns down his spine. The air feels thick with something, something alive and relatable because it is full of menace.

He slows down, his eyes narrowing as they lock onto the figure waiting for him near the shadows-a man standing as rigid as if moulded from iron.

Even in the gloomy night, he looked like a spitting image of Jungkook, with sharp features, intense eyes; but where Jungkook's would radiate warmth and depth, this man's seemed chiseled ice-cold: cold, calculating, and unyielding.

Jeon Junseo.

Tension crackles between them, thick and heavy, suffocating in its weight. Jimin feels the muscles tighten involuntarily, forces himself not to betray his calm. He's met Junseo's disdain before, but this is different; there's a raw, simmering anger in the man's eyes tonight, a rage barely held in check, and Jimin knows it square on his shoulders.

"Park Jimin," Junseo's voice cuts as clear as any razor blade through the silence, and with that, he took a step forward-skittering the polished shoes against the pavement in a deliberate, almost predatory rhythm. "What a surprise. Though I suppose I really shouldn't be surprised, should I? You've grown quite comfortable here, haven't you?"

Jimin schools his face into neutrality, not allowing Junseo to see that his skin is pickling with unease. "Mr Jeon," he says, the slightest tilt of his head acknowledging the man while not budging an inch. "I'm here to see Jungkook.".

"Of course you are," Junseo sneers, curling his lips in a smirk that barely touches his eyes. "You have been hanging onto him like a leech, sucking off his loyalty and pulling him deeper into your mess. And blind enough not to see how much he's getting destroyed-we're losing shipment after shipment."

This is not supposed to be their talk. Yes, because of him Jungkook lost his 5 shipments, but they had talked about it.

Jimin's jaw clenches, but he doesn't rise to the bait. "I care about Jungkook more than anything," he says evenly. "And I'm not here to justify myself to you. You may be his father, but that doesn't give you the right to dictate who he is or what he wants."

Junseo's eyes flash dangerously, his gaze narrowing as he steps closer. The space between them is suffocating now, and Jimin can feel the heat of the older man's anger, a furnace that seems to radiate upon his skin.

"You arrogant little brat" Junseo hisses, his voice low, like venom being whispered in the dark. "You think you're strong because you've stood by him through a few crises? You think that makes you worthy of being in his life? You're playing with fire, and it's going to burn you both, so don't come crying after that. I have warned him, but he is too stubborn to listen. And you"-He leans down closer, words a cold whisper. "You're too desperate to ever matter to him."

Jimin's heart throbs in his chest, the words strike deep, but he doesn't budge...never gives up. "I'm not here for your approval. Once again Jungkook is his own person-he isn't your puppet, and he doesn't need your permission to love who he wants. You can try to control him, manipulate him, but in the end, he'll choose his path, which leads to me.".

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