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It's Marjorie's birthday today and I wanted to surprise her. I've been up since the crack of dawn decorating with my daughter.


"Yes my love?"

"Can you put Adele on please? Me and mummy love singing along to her and I want to do it with you?" She says before I nod.

"We have to try be quiet so we don't wake mummy though, okay?" I say before she starts smiling. I put on a playlist before Niamh hums along with her.

Marjorie deserves all the good things coming to her. She is the most amazing mum to our daughter and the best wife. And she is the most incredible woman I've ever met. She's been with me through thick and thin, yes we've had our disagreements but that's made us even stronger and happier.

Luckily we've barely had any arguments because we always approach the situation calmly. She does not need more stress especially being 6 months pregnant.

I was putting up the banners that said "Happy Birthday Marjorie!!" Whilst Niamh was writing her card. I blew up the balloons and placed them all over the kitchen. I had also got Marjorie a sash that said "Birthday Girl" and a tiara that said the same.

I grabbed Marjorie's cake that had a little picture of us at the top where we did a photoshoot and I was holding her, kissing her. The cake was an Adele inspired cake because she's obsessed with Adele. Her alarm in the mornings is her song 'Chasing Pavements' which is her favourite.

I hear Marjorie stir and call my name. I tel Niamh to be quiet and stay downstairs whilst I went up with her coffee.

I walked into the bedroom where she was sat up against the headboard with her phone in her hand. I take her coffee to her before giving her a tender kiss on the forehead.

"Good morning beautiful. How did you sleep?" I ask before she looks up at me smiling. That smile is one of my favourite things in the world.

"Morning, I slept really well thank you darling, how about yourself?" She asks before she places her phone and coffee on the bedside table. I wrap my arms around her before kissing the side of her head.

"I slept okay. Also, happy birthday baby." I said before giving her a peck on the lips.

"Awh thank you darling. Should I come down and maybe we can-"

"NO! No Uhm don't come down there's a... massive spider. I need to kill it first." I say before rushing out.

"Okay!" She said.

I went back down and saw my daughter had put pink tinsel around the seats. She had finished her card for Marjorie before I went and got the gifts ready. I got her a fair few because she's been working hard so she can treat herself as well. The biggest one she will love. I know she will.

"Niamh? Be a good girl for daddy and go get mummy." I say before she runs upstairs screaming, "MUMMYYYY!!"

I hear them both coming down the stairs so I step out of the kitchen, closing the door and waiting for them. Marjorie walks over to me, confused.

"Close your eyes baby." I say before Marjorie closes her eyes. Niamh opens the door for me and I guide Marjorie into the room.

"3,2,1. Open your eyes gorgeous." I say as she opens her eyes and stares around in shock.

"I- What- Reecey. Is this for me?" She asks, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Yes. You've been an amazing person to me for the past 7 years, so I thought I'd do something. I'm sorry it's not much but-" she cuts me off by slamming her lips onto mine. I hold her by her waist as we share a passionate kiss. We break away for a few quick pecks before she turns to the table and picks up her first gift.

She takes the wrapping paper off to see a little black box. She opens it up and it's a golden locket with a picture of me, her and Niamh on one side and the scan of Hannah on the other.

"Awh Reece thank you so much. This is so cute!" She says putting the box down and grabbing the next gift.


She opens all of the gifts bar the last one, the biggest one. I got her that locket, a nice dress and a pair of shoes to go with it, photo frames, tickets to see Adele, Adele merch, albums, vinyls, CD player, and a brand new iPhone 15.

"This all must've been expensive Reecey. Thank you so much, I love it!" She says before walking over to me and pulling me in for a hug.

"You've still got one more present." I say before grabbing a blindfold. I put it over her eyes and guide her outside, where her dream car awaited in the driveway.

"I'm scared Reece! Where are you taking me?" She says before I stop her in front of the car. I take the blindfold off and she opens her eyes, gasping. She looks at me shocked before looking back at the car then back at me with the biggest smile on her face.

"No you did not. Oh my God. This is my dream car!!! Thank you thank you thank you!" She says squealing, flapping and jumping up and down in the spot.

"You deserve the world Marjorie, and I'm going to give it to you. I love you so much gorgeous." I say before she jumps into my arms. I catch her, wrapping her legs around my waist before I carry her inside.

"Mama you haven't seen my card or my prezzies yet!" Niamh said before she takes Marjorie's hand and takes her to the living room.

She sits Marjorie down before giving her card to her. Then I remember I haven't gave her my card yet. I run to the kitchen and grab it before coming in and sitting next to her. She reads Niamh's card out loud.

"Dear Mummy,

Happy birthday to you! I love you more than chocolate buttons and my stuffed animals!

From the best,

Niamh Marie Knight XX"

She stares at the cats in awe before putting it down on the table in front of her. She grabs mine before opening it and reading it aloud.

"To the love of my life,

I wanted to wish you a happy birthday. You deserve every gift and every kiss and every hug and.. you get it. You are the most beautiful woman I've set my eyes on. Honestly Marjorie, you are bright and insightful.

You've been there through thick and thin, when I had my bad days, they were so much easier because you were by my side. I can't thank you enough for everything. You are a true one.

I knew I loved you as soon as I walked into that office and saw you sat there. You're so strong, it baffles me. You've been through so much yet you never fail to put a smile on my face.

I love you with every thing I can offer, my gorgeous girl.

Lots of love,

Reecey Xx"

She stares at me, tears streaming down her face before throwing herself onto me. She wraps her arms around me, crying into my chest.

"Thank you so much Reecey. I love this. Thank you again. Darling come here." She says to Niamh as she comes and sits on Marjorie's lap.

I'm so glad she's happy. I adore her with every inch of my body.


Look at me, 2 chapters in 1 day. Go me! Anyways, hope you like this one. I hope it heals you from earliers one. The next chapter or 2 will follow after this one.

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