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As we stood up, Marjorie instantly linked her hand with mine. I could tell she was nervous. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before bending down and whispering, "it's okay gorgeous. Sit next to me."

She smiled at me before I saw her relax. Janice and my dad were sat down at the table together.

"Dad. Janice." I make myself acquainted with them before sitting down next to my wife. My hand meets her right thigh and she squeezed them shut trapping my hand.

Autumn and Winter walked in after a short while of awkward silence.

"Marjorie," she said, giving her a slight smile before giving me the occasional glare, "big brother," she moved her gaze to our dad, "father." She sat down on the other side of the table. Me and Winter nodded at each other before Siobhan and... Vivian?! Walked in, hand in hand.

"Roger. Janice." Siobhan said before sitting down next to Marjorie. Her and Siobhan were close friends again, it's glad to see my girl so happy. She leaned over and whispered into Marjories ear which caused her to laugh out loud.

Mia and Charlotte walked in lastly. She didn't bother saying hello to anyone before just sitting next to Autumn.

"Right, I have called you all here to discuss the decision on who will be manager of this nursery. You all know the decision was between my son, Marjorie and Janice however, Reece dropped out of it so he could support his.. girlfriend." Roger rolled his eyes as he said 'girlfriend'.

"Wife, actually." Marjorie stepped in and showed her the wedding ring.

"Same thing. Anyway since Reece had dropped out, the managers position will go to Marjorie or Janice. Now I need people to speak on Marjories behalf since I already have the reasons to why Janice would make a great manager, so. Who would like to start?" And that's when Siobhan stepped in.

"Yes Siobhan. Why do you think Marjorie should be manager?" He said in his really icy cold demeanour.

"Well first off, she's an amazing manager. Not only does she get everything done, she knows the solution to everything. When I started as a manager, she was the one who helped get me onto my toes. Since she gets passed over the position on the board of directors, I reckon she should be manager," Siobhan looked at Marjorie and smiled before returning her frown to Roger, "because I know it would mean the world to her. She gets her work done on time, she deals with everything professionally, and overall, she deserves to have this position."

Roger was shocked to say the least. He didn't expect his ex to talk so highly of Marjorie. He knew they were enemies many years ago and that there was no love lost between them.

"Okay, thank you Siobhan. Is there anyone else?" Aut and Mia then butted in.

"I agree with Shibby, you always pass over the position on the board so the least would be making her manager at this new nursery. Janice we've only just met and she's already earning more than Marjorie. I see no point in Janice being manager if she's getting paid more by being on the board." Mia looked over at Marjorie and winked at her. Marjorie giggled a bit before she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Are you okay gorgeous?" I whispered in her ear. She nodded before Roger took Mia's speech into account. Autumn then broke the silence.

"Father. I would like nothing more than my best friend to be happy. She has been doing this longer than Siobhan, Janice and Reece combined. She's the most experienced out of all of them. Reece dropped out to support her because he knows it would mean the absolute world to her. She always talks about how proud she is that she is a manager. Not only that, I also reckon she deserves a pay rise as she's being paid so little yet so much responsibility."

Roger looked like he had been defeated by his own daughter, ex step daughter, and ex fiancé.

"Okay. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak for Marjorie before I make the decision?" That's when Charlotte came forward.

"Okay last one now. You may begin Charlotte."

"Thank you, I guess. Marjorie is not only the best manager I've worked with, but she's my best friend. She's amazing with the staff, she's excellent with the children. No offence Janice." Charlotte stopped, waiting for Janice's reply.

"None taken sweetheart." Janice said as she winked at Charlotte. I saw Mia turn red before giving her a 'I'll deal with you later' look.

"Anyway I agree with everyone else who has spoken for Marjorie, so really there is nothing to add." She finished before leaning back into Mia.

"Well Marjorie, you seem to have a few people on your side. We will take a quick toilet break then I only want people who are apart of the board to attend the next meeting. I'll see you all in 10 minutes."

Me and Marjorie wasted no time on getting up and walking outside, sitting on the bench. Mia and Char followed, then Viv and Siobhan, then last but not least, Autumn and Winter. They all went straight to the bathroom or to the shops to get a snack.

I could sense Marjories anxiety creeping up as her leg started bouncing rapidly. I place my hand there before moving it up and down her leg in an attempt to calm down.

"Oh Reece. What if he chooses Janice? What will I do? I'll run out of money. I won't be able to provide for the girls! Reece I can't." Marjorie just kept getting more and more anxious so I just pulled her into my lap. Her head rested against my chest as I rocked her back and forth.

"Baby baby. It's okay! Don't forget we have a house together, you're married to a 'walking wallet', I'll help you find a job that's better pay. But I guarantee, you will get this position."

"Thank you darling. I love you." She looked up at me.

"I love you more."

10 minutes later

I walked back into the room, Marjorie waiting outside with Vivian, Char, and Winter whilst me, Siobhan, Autumn and Mia were sat in there.

"So I have came to a decision. As you can see Janice isn't here at the moment but she should be back now any second." As soon as he finished, Janice walked back through.

He begins yapping until Janice interrupted.

"Should I tell them?" She asked before me and Aut gave each other a look. Roger lets her speak before she turns to me.

"I've decided to drop out. I'm already being paid more since I'm on a higher position. Congratulations to your wife, Reece." And that's when I got up and walked out of the office.

Marjorie looked up at me along with her little audience.


"Well done gorgeous, you've got it." I say before holding my arms out to her. Everyone screams before she gets up and jumps onto my arms and smashing her lips against mine.

Everyone's partner came out of the office before they congratulated Marjorie. She deserved it so much.

I'm glad to see my gorgeous girl so happy.


Back to fluffy smutty parental Marjoreece now 🥰 I'm shit at this so Layla and Holly please do not come after me 😭

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