Chapter 15 :- Bluetick✔

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"Just beautiful," Andrew admired as soon as he spotted me exiting the hallway in my lovely white dress that I had set aside since the day I bought it just because I was so hype about the day of the event

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"Just beautiful," Andrew admired as soon as he spotted me exiting the hallway in my lovely white dress that I had set aside since the day I bought it just because I was so hype about the day of the event.

"Thank you," I told him once we were in close proximity to each other and just then he took my hand in his and kissed it.

While the kiss was a nice gesture, really it was the way he looked up into my eyes after the kiss that had me swooning. I couldn't stop blushing. I even left the house blushing just at the thought of it. 

The future for Andrew and I looked bright, the horizon seemed clear. However, there's just this one problem. My past. It refuses to stop messaging me. Like clockwork, a message from Liam keeps my phone vibrating. He keeps saying stuff like, "I'm lonely", "I miss you so much", "I'm still in love with you", and "my bed feels cold without you here." I ignored them all but then he texts me "remember those nights when you were pregnant and I used to rub your back and make your favorite meals or whatever it is your craving? I miss those days."

I looked at Andrew but he was too busy focusing on the road so I quickly shooted a text back to Liam and said, "very funny. You know you couldn't cook then. You only made my favorite cereal. Btw, what is Lj doing?"

He replied back, "he's sleeping. Captain Crunch, isn't it?"

I smiled to myself as I texted back, "It was then and it still is now."

"Does he know that? Does he know how you like it to be made?"

Out of curiosity, I turned to Andrew and said, "Hey babe, um…weird question, but do you know my favorite cereal?"

He looked at me sideways then chuckled this weird chuckle before he skipped my question by asking me, "where did that question come from?"

"Babe, just answer the question."

He said, "Captain crunch of course with cold milk, no sugar, no water."

"I didn't tell you that."

As Andrew makes a stop at the red light, he stares at me for a brief moment, then says to me, "You didn't have to, babe. I notice things. I notice everything about you. I know that that's the only cereal you eat cold. And I especially notice how marvelous you look tonight. Forget about your dad's event. All eyes are going to be on you for sure. I know my eyes are going to be."

I rolled my eyes at his sappiness and turned my head looking out the window, hiding my blushing smile away from Andrew. 

I swear he knows exactly what to say and how to say it. Gaddammit, how I love this man so much. How can someone not love him?

Andrew turned my head by my chin to face him and he said with an appearing smile, "babe, don't hide from me. You know I love when you blush like that," then he leans in to kiss me ever so softly. It was everything I wanted in a kiss. He's the best kisser I've had, I'm sure of that. Or maybe I forgot what Liam's kisses were like. I subconsciously shook my head, telling myself that I shouldn't be thinking of Liam, especially now while I am with Andrew. He should be my only focus, except we lost focus of the green light before us and only remembered we were on the light after the cars behind began to honk at us. One guy even stopped beside us and started shouting and cursing out loud before he sped off. Andrew and I laughed but finally drove off of the green light.

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