Chapter 31 :- How am I supposed to Live without You

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With a breathy sigh, one of the first thoughts that came to my mind as I opened my eyes this morning was, this is the day that the Lord has made

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With a breathy sigh, one of the first thoughts that came to my mind as I opened my eyes this morning was, this is the day that the Lord has made. May I be glad in it….

Second thought was, get ready because this day is gonna be a long one.

Before I went to bed last night, as usual I'd call my son. I told him that we were gonna spend some time alone together and that we can do whatever it is that he wants to do. To make a long story short, he's totally excited and I'm gonna be one exhausted pregnant lady.

After showering, preparing breakfast and all of that good stuff, I left to carry Keandrew and Keandra to Andrew's place. I was surprised that he left last night, but of course not without his phone.

Patiently waiting for his arrival at the front door, I took that time to take in the beauty of this place we call earth. The birds were chirping, the butterflies were flying, and my kids were laughing this sweet joyful laugh with each other. I couldn't get enough of the sound. It was as refreshing as the air I breathed. I thought to myself, "today is gonna be a good day."

Everytime I think, touch or see my kids, it makes me feel so darn happy that God chose me to be their mother, moreso thankful. I couldn't have asked for more than I've already received, but in three more months another blessing will be here and honestly this time around I'm ready and 100% prepared. I mean, shopping is done, the room is made up for her and the name has been picked. Yes, I'm having a girl again. Looking at the envelope in my drawer got too tempting and somehow I ended up opening it. Andrew was not pleased when I texted him the other morning about what I did, but the suspense was killing me. I couldn't wait for the baby shower. Not that I wanted to do one anyway.

I'm so glad that I'm having another girl though. Only thing I'd say I need to do is make sure that I share my time equally among my children and show as much love as I possibly can. No favorites!!

After standing up outside for at least 4 minutes, Andrew finally opened up but he didn't appear in the doorway alone. Three seconds later April comes into view patting down her hair and I am not gonna lie, I was lost for words. It was like the words got kicked out of me when I saw her in that black laced lingerie. She looked stunning, honestly. As hurt as I was, I didn't let it show. It may come off as weakness to her and I'm not weak.

Popping the silent bubble, April says to me, "yay! I'm so glad you decided to bring my beautiful step kids over. I haven't seen them since the other day Andrew brought them over to my place. We had such a good time, didn't we, my sugar lumps," she smiled at my kids and they smiled back. 

Usually if they've never seen you before they'll just stare at you as if you're stupid. That's how I knew that this wasn't the first time they'd seen her. Andrew never told me that he had them around her. I don't trust her around my kids because I know she doesn't like me. On the other hand, how can I trust someone that faked their own death, changes their name and then after five+ years comes back to reclaim the man she ran away from? 

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